Contents of the Resource Utilization Alert Configuration Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to set up an alert that notifies selected employees when employee utilization percentages based on planned hours exceed, or fall short of, percentage thresholds that you specify for the alert.

Alerts Grid

Field Description
Grid Drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

New Click this option to insert a row beneath the current row.
Copy Click a row and then click this option to add a copy of the selected row to the grid.
Delete Click a row and then click this option to delete it.
Alert Rule Name Select an existing alert rule name or enter a new one. You can change the name of an existing rule. Each rule name must be unique.
Enabled Select this option to enable the rule. When the alert is active, you can enable only selected rules, without having to delete any unwanted rules. In other words, if the alert is active, then any of its enabled rules can run. If the alert is not active, then none of its rules can run.

If you use multiple languages, use this column to select the language for this alert. Only employees with the selected language receive the alert. However, if you leave this column blank, all employees receive this alert regardless of their designated language.

For example, if you create an email alert for English US and English UK, then only the users that have English US or English UK in the Language field in the Employees hub receive that message. The system administrator must set up a separate alert rule for Spanish employees to receive a message in Spanish. The Language field displays <languages selected> if any languages are selected.

Field Description
Send To
Principal Select this option to send the alert to the principal associated with the plan.
Project Manager Select this option if you want to send the alert to the project manager associated with the plan.
Supervisor Select this option if you want to send the alert to the supervisor associated with the plan.
Employee Supervisor Select this option if you want to send the alert to the supervisors of the employees who are under or over utilized.
Selected Employees Select employees to receive the alert.
Alert Criteria
Selected Plans Select the plans for which you want to send the alert.
Selected Employees Select the employees for which you want to send the alert.
Under Utilization Percentage If an employee's utilization for a utilization period within the alert period is below this percentage, an alert will be sent. An employee's utilization percentage is calculated as follows: Planned hours in published plans for the utilization period / Available hours for the utilization period.
Over Utilization Percentage If an employee's utilization for a utilization period within the alert period is over this percentage, an alert will be sent. An employee's utilization percentage is calculated as follows: Planned hours in published plans for the utilization period / Available hours for the utilization period.
Utilization Period Specify the time period in which to calculate an employee's utilization percentage. For example, if this is set to 1 week and an employee has 30 planned hours in a week but has 40 available hours, then that employee's utilization is 75% for that week.
Alert Period Determines how far into the future that the alerts should check utilization. This must be greater or equal to the period specified in Utilization Period.
Only Include Project Plans Select this option if you want to exclude opportunity plans and only include project plans.
Delivery Options
You can select one or both of these options.
  • Email: Select this option to send the alert via email.
  • Notification Center: Select this option to send the alert via the Notification Center.