Estimated Revenue Tab of Opportunity Settings Form

Use the Estimated Revenue tab to specify the defaults used when creating a new opportunity. The user can specify the default allocation method and if the specific date method is chosen, create and assign a default allocation template. This data is used as an option in the Opportunity Forecast Report.

This tab is available if your enterprise uses the CRM Plus application.


Set Defaults

Use these options to select the default settings that display when creating a new opportunity on the Estimated Revenue tab. They are also used on the Opportunity Forecast report.

Field Description
Allocation Method Select the allocation method:
  • Specific Date: Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount on a specific date for each opportunity.

    Selecting Specific Date activates the Allocation Template field, where you can select the template to apply.

  • Spread Evenly Across Timescale: Select this option to spread revenue in even amounts across the dates between the estimated start date and the estimated completion date. After selecting Spread Evenly Across Timescale, use the Timescale option to specify the time scale for the revenue.
  • Allocate All Revenue to Estimated Start Date: Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount to the opportunity's start date.
  • Allocate All Revenue to Close Date: Select this option to allocate the estimated revenue amount to the opportunity's closing date.
Allocation Template When the Allocation Method is set to Specific Date, you can specify a default allocation template. This drop-down displays all templates created on the Manage Allocation Template dialog box.

Manage Allocation Templates Grid

Use the Manage Allocation Templates grid to set up and save templates for use as the basis for Estimated Revenue entries on the Estimated Revenue tab in the Opportunities Hub and on the Opportunity Forecast reports.

Much of the information for DPS is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
+ Add Template Click this option to open the Manage Allocation Template dialog box and add template information. The templates that you add on this dialog box display on the Manage Allocation Templates grid.
Template Name Enter a description for the revenue milestone. If you use a template, this field populates with the description of the template that was entered on the Manage Allocation Template dialog box.

See the Manage Allocation Template dialog box topic for additional information.