Expenses/Units Tab of Default Billing Terms

Use this tab to enter the default methods, invoice detail, and reporting default terms options to use when billing expenses, consultants, or units for projects.


Expense Terms

Field Description
Method Select the expense method to determine how DPS extends reimbursable expense charges on the invoice.
Table If you are billing expenses for this project (By account, By category, or By vendor method), select the expense table to use. The expense table stores the multipliers for the accounts/vendors/categories that should be billed for this project.

If your firm has set Record Level View access for billing rate tables, you may be limited to only those tables selected by your DPS administrator.

Multiplier Enter the multiplier to apply to expenses charged to the project.

If you bill expenses for a project, DPS determines the multiplier to apply to the expense charges as follows:

  • If an expense table is specified in the Table field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, DPS looks in the selected table to find the multiplier to apply to the account.
  • If no expense table is specified in the Table field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, or if the account is not listed in the selected table, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units tab.
Show Detail Select this option to display all reimbursable expense transaction detail (including transaction type, description, transaction date, vendor name, and so on).

To show only totals for the account, category, or vendor, clear this option.

Show Multiplier Select this option to display the reimbursable expense multiplier on the project’s invoice.

If you are using the same multiplier for both your reimbursable and consultant expenses, the multiplier prints on the total line. If any of the multipliers differ, due to the use of expense tables, DPS calculates and prints the transactions according to the multiplier.

Use as Project Reporting Default Terms Only See the description at the end of this topic.
Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail Select this check box to display a Quantity and Unit Price field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box and the Billing Expense Transfer dialog box in Interactive Billing for the project. (In the grid on the Expenses tab in Interactive Billing, you click Modify or Transfer to open these dialog boxes.) This allows you to change, for billing purposes, the quantity of the reimbursable expense items that were generated from vouchers that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application. When you change the quantity in Interactive Billing, the billing amount is recalculated, but the accounts payable voucher and purchase order are not impacted. You cannot change the unit price in Interactive Billing.

When you select this check box, the quantity and unit price also display on the billing invoice.

Consultant Terms

Field Description
Method Select the consultant expense method to determine how DPS extends consultant expense charges on the invoice.
Table If you are billing consultant expenses for this project, (By account, By category, By vendor, or Bill as expense method) select the expense table to use. The consultant expense table stores the multipliers for the accounts/vendors that should be billed for the project.

If your firm has set Record Level View access for billing rate tables, you may be limited to only those tables selected by your DPS administrator.

Multiplier Enter the multiplier to apply to consultant expenses charged to the project.

If you bill consultant expenses for a project, DPS determines the multiplier to apply to the consultant expense charges as follows:

  • If an expense table is specified in the Table field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, DPS looks in the selected table to find the multiplier to apply to the account.
  • If no expense table is specified in the Table field on the Expenses/Units tab of the Billing Terms form, or if the account is not listed in the selected table, DPS applies the multiplier specified in the Multiplier field on the Expenses/Units tab.
Show Detail Select this option to display all consultant expense transaction detail (including transaction type, description, transaction date, vendor name, and so on).

To show only totals for the account, category, or vendor, clear this option.

Show Multiplier Select this option to display the consultant expense multiplier on the project’s invoice.

If you are using the same multiplier for both your reimbursable and consultant expenses, the multiplier prints on the total line. If any of the multipliers differ, due to the use of expense tables, DPS calculates and prints the transactions according to the multiplier.

Use as Project Reporting Default Terms Only See the description at the end of this topic.
Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail Select this check box to display a Quantity field and a Unit Price field on the Billing Expense Modify dialog box and the Billing Expense Transfer dialog box in Interactive Billing for the project. (In the grid on the Expenses tab in Interactive Billing, you click Modify or Transfer to open these dialog boxes.) This allows you to change, for billing purposes, the quantity of consultant expense items that were generated from vouchers that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application. When you change the quantity in Interactive Billing, the billing amount is recalculated, but the accounts payable voucher and purchase order are not impacted. You cannot change the unit price in Interactive Billing.

When you select this check box, the quantity and unit price also display on the billing invoice.

Unit Billing Terms

Field Description
Method The unit expense method determines how DPS extends unit expense charges on the invoice.
Multiplier Enter a single multiplier to apply to the unit transactions. DPS applies this multiplier after the unit quantity is multiplied by the billing rate per unit.

If you want to bill units at their billing rate, enter 1.0 in this field.

Show Detail Select this option to determine the level of unit detail to display for each unit individually. If you select this option, the level and type of detail for each unit is based on the following options in the Unit hub.
If you clear this option, all unit billing detail is consolidated into one line on the invoice.
Setting Description
Billing line format If you select Name only, the unit’s name prints on the invoice. If you select Name and Detail, the unit name and transaction description entered in data entry print on the invoice. If you select Detail only, the transaction description entered in data entry prints on the invoice.
Consolidate detail on bill If you select this option, the detail consolidates into one line for the unit. This option is only available if the Name only billing line format option is selected.
Show date on bill If you select this option, the transaction date appears on each unit detail line.
Show math on bill If you select this option, the calculation detail (quantity label @ billing rate) prints on the invoice for each unit detail line.
Consolidate posting detail If you select this option, the transaction detail for each posting run is consolidated into one line for each unit.
Show Multiplier Select this option to print the unit multiplier on the invoice. DPS uses the same multiplier for all of the units; the multiplier is calculated and displayed on the total line.

Expense, Consultant, and Unit Terms

Field Description
Use as Project Reporting Default Terms Only Select this check box to use the Expense, Consultant, or Unit terms (depending on the section on the Expenses/Units tab where the check box resides) for project reporting and revenue generation purposes only. When you select this check box, DPS uses the specified Expense, Consultant, or Unit terms in the following ways:
  • On project reports that report at billing rates. You specify whether to base a report on cost or billing rates from the Report at option on the General tab of the project's options form.
  • On the Unbilled Detail and Aging or Unbilled Summary reports, if the Use Reporting Default Terms option is selected on the Options tab. If the Use Reporting Default Terms option is not selected, DPS uses each project's individual terms, and does not generate report information for projects without terms defined.

When you select this option, DPS does not use the specified Expense, Consultant, or Unit terms on invoices.