Calculated Field Scenarios

The Calculated Fields form includes two options, Perform Calculation On and Sum Up Calculated Amounts on Total Lines, which you can combine to generate any of several scenarios.

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 and earlier versions do not support certain types of calculations involving the Perform Calculations On field and the Sum Up Calculated Amounts on Total Lines check box. When you save a calculated field that may not be supported by your current reporting services, DPS displays a warning message. If you decide to use that calculated field, Deltek strongly recommends that you test it carefully to verify that it provides the correct results.

This table uses these symbols to show the effect of Perform Calculation On in each of these scenarios for a report which is grouped, has totals showing or not, or both:

  • c: calculates value using the calculated field formula
  • s: sums up records from the next highest level
Scenario Detail Subtotal Total
Report grouped, totals showing
all detail and total lines c c c
detail lines, Sum on total unselected c
detail lines, Sum on total selected c s s
each row from the query c s s
last group line c
Report grouped, no totals showing
all detail and total lines c c
detail lines, Sum on total unselected c
detail lines, sum on total selected c s
each row from the query c s
last group line c
Report not grouped, totals showing
all detail and total lines c c
detail lines, Sum on total unselected c
detail lines, sum on total selected c s
each row from the query c s
last group line
Report neither grouped nor showing totals
all detail and total lines c
detail lines, Sum on total unselected c
detail lines, sum on total selected c
each row from the query c
last group line