Load Custom Checks on the Report Server

You need to load custom checks on the DPS report server so that they will be available for use by the Employee Expenses and Accounts Payable applications.

To load custom checks and their subreports on your report server:
  1. From the Navigation menu, click Utilities > Report Administration.
  2. In the Location of Reports on Application Server field on the Load Reports tab, enter the location of the custom check templates on your application server. The default location is C:\Program Files\Deltek\DeltekPS\Reports.
  3. In the Type field, select Custom.
  4. In the Report Name field, enter the specific custom check template file name.
  5. Click the Load Report Files button.
  6. Repeat these steps for additional custom check templates. After you load a custom check template, only the main custom check template file displays in the Loaded Reports grid. The grid hides the subreports.