Employee Realization Reporting

The Employee Realization Reporting feature allows you to measure the realization and profitability of employees who work on a project. Realization is the monetary amount of billed and unbilled revenue attributed to an employee.

You can use realization information for company analysis, compensation and promotion reviews, staffing decisions, project pricing, and so on.

This feature automates the allocation of posted labor and units-related revenue to specific employees who work on a project. Revenue that is associated with time records and employee-specific units is used for employee realization.

Potential Realization

After you turn on the Employee Realization Reporting feature, realization amounts are assigned automatically to employees when you post timesheets, labor adjustments, and employee-specific units. Realization amounts are calculated using the billing extensions for generating reports at billing rates. This is potential realization because these items have not yet been billed.

Actual Realization

In addition, realization is calculated and allocated to employees in Billing in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing and Employee Realization. This calculates the actual or true realization based on posted invoices, credit memos, invoice adjustments, and written-off invoices.

Enable and Configure Employee Realization Reporting

If you want to track and allocate employee realization, you must turn on the Employee Realization Reporting feature on the Reporting tab in Accounting System Settings. You choose a calculation method, frequency, and revenue accounts for employee realization.

In the Units hub, you specify whether or not a unit has employee-specific revenue.

When Actual Employee Realization Is Calculated

Actual employee realization is calculated and processed differently depending on the frequency that you select when you set up Employee Realization Reporting in Accounting System Settings. The following table provides a high-level overview of the differences:

Employee Realization Reporting Frequency Setting
Invoice Frequency Period Frequency
Where Actual Employee Realization is Allocated Realization is allocated automatically when you process invoices in either:

Billing > Interactive Billing

Billing > Batch Billing In Interactive Billing only, you can view and edit the employee realization amounts on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box.

You manually allocate realization in:

Billing > Employee Realization

You select a range of periods and projects on the Employee Realization form. You then view and edit the employee realization amounts on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box.

How Actual Employee Realization is Calculated Realization is calculated for time records and units associated with each invoice that is posted in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing. Realization is calculated for the invoices and posted time records that fall within the range of periods and projects that you select when you run Employee Realization.

Invoices that you enter in the Transaction Center are included in the calculation.

Reports that Include Employee Realization Data

The following reports include employee realization data:

  • Employee Labor Detail (Reporting > Employees)
  • Time Analysis (Reporting > Employees)
  • Invoice Transaction Detail (Reporting > Accounts Receivable)
  • Performance Management Reports (Reporting > Performance Management)

The realization amounts that display on reports include the potential realization from posted timesheets, labor adjustments, and employee-specific units.

After you allocate realization in Interactive Billing, Batch Billing, or Employee Realization, realization amounts on the reports also include the actual realization that has been allocated for posted invoices.

Data Import and History Loading Utilities

You can use the Data Import utility in Utilities > Data Import to import realization amounts.

You can use the Project Labor and Expense History utility (in Utilities > History Loading > Labor and Expense) to enter employee realization.