Add or Modify Tabs

You can add and delete user-defined tabs, modify the sequence of tabs, or change the names of both standard and user-defined tabs for the Projects or Equipment hubs in the desktop application.

To add or modify tabs:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Settings > General > User Defined Components.
  2. In the Application field on the User-Defined Tabs form, select the application to which you want to add user-defined tabs.
  3. On the Tabs tab, position the cursor on the line above the point at which you want to insert a tab and click Insert.
  4. Complete the fields on the tab:
    Option Description
    To change the tab order Select the name of the tab and click Move Up and Move Down to arrange the order in which the tabs appear in the application.
    To change the name of a tab Enter the new name in the Tab Heading field.
    To restore the headings for a standard tab Select the tab and click Restore.
  5. Click Save.
Postrequisite: Add fields or grids to the tabs.