Contents of the Credit Card Charge Alert Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to set up a Credit Card Charge alert.

Employee Group Rules Section

Field Description
Employee Groups From the drop-down list, select the employee group for which you want to create a rule for the Credit Card Charge alert. If you have already created rules, select the employee group for which you want to view or modify existing rules. After you enter an employee group in this field, the grid on the dialog box displays all the alert rules that are set up for the selected employee group.

When you select [All Groups], the rules that you create for the alert will apply globally for all employee groups, and you do not have to create the same rules individually for each group.

Alert Rule Grid Toolbar options The following options display on the toolbar:
  • Alert Rule Grid Drop-Down
    • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
    • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
    • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.
  • Groups: Click this option to change the employee group or groups for the selected alert rule. On the Add Groups dialog box that opens, move employee groups to and from the Current Groups box and the Available Groups box.
  • Remove From Group: Select a rule in the grid to delete from the alert, and click this option to remove it.
  • New : Click this option to add a blank row to the grid and add a new alert rule for the selected employee group.
  • Copy: Select an alert rule in the grid whose settings you want to copy into a new alert rule. Then click Copy. A blank row is added to the grid. The alert settings (alert type, delivery options, and message content) from the copied alert rule prefill on the Credit Card Charge Alert dialog box for the new alert rule. Enter a name in the Alert Rule Name field for the new alert rule.
Alert Rule Grid Fields This grid contains the alert rules that have been created for the employee group that you selected in the Employee Groups field.
Alert Rule Name

This field displays the name of an alert rule that was previously created. If you are creating a new alert rule, click New on the grid toolbar, and in the blank row in the grid enter the name of the rule. All alert rule names must be unique.

After you enter or select an alert rule in the grid, the remaining fields on the dialog box apply for the selected alert rule.

Alert Type

Field Description
Send alert when new charges are imported Select this check box if you want an alert sent to an employee when any charge made by the employee with a company-issued credit card is imported from a credit card statement into DPS.
Send alert once a week Select this check box if you want an alert sent to an employee once a week to notify them of any charges they made with a company-issued credit card that have been imported from a credit card statement into DPS. In the field beside this check box, select the day of the week for the alert to be sent. If no charges have been imported, no alert is sent.
Time of day to send alert From the drop-down list, select the hour of the day for the alert to be sent to employees.

Delivery Options

You can select one or both of these options.

Field Description
Email Select this option to send the alert via an email message. Links in the email message provide easy access to the appropriate application area. If you select this option, complete the corresponding Email Options.
Notification Center Select this option to send the alert via the notification center.

Message Content

Select the Email option in the Delivery Options section to enable the fields in this section.

Field Description
Subject Enter the subject for the email message.
Message Text Box

Select one or more of the following actions:

  • Enter text directly in the text box.
  • Position the cursor in the text box and click Insert Field to open the Column Selection dialog box and select related field to add to the email message text.

    For credit card alerts, the options are: [SecondaryDescription], [SecondaryCode], [PrimaryDescription], and [PrimaryCode]. These are the descriptions and codes for the primary credit card and secondary credit card for a charge. When the alert email message is sent to an employee, the description or code for the primary and secondary credit cards that applies for the charge is specified in the message.

  • Click Edit to use formatting options on the Text Editor dialog box as you enter text .


Field Description
OK Click this button to save entries and changes on the dialog box and dismiss it.
Cancel Click this button to dismiss the dialog box without saving entries and changes.
Help Click this button to open the help topic for the dialog box.