Workflow Tab of Approvals Configuration Form

Use this tab to enter approval steps and alerts for an approval workflow.


Enter a step in the Approval Steps grid. Then enter the action for that step in the Step Actions grid. The Step Actions grid displays the step actions for the approval step that you selected in the upper Approval Steps grid.

Field Description
Edit Workflow This button displays only if you are the approval administrator for a workflow (as specified on the General tab in Approval Workflows Configuration) and you open a previously created approval workflow that now has in-progress approvals. Text to the right of the button identifies the number of approvals that are currently in progress.

Click this button to get full access to the Approval Steps grid to edit existing steps or add or delete steps. When you save edits to a workflow, all in-progress approvals will be restarted (set back to step 1).

You should consider performing edits to workflows with a large number of in-progress approvals after normal business hours because restarting the in-progress approvals could take more time to process.

Approval Steps Grid

Use this grid to enter one or more steps for an approval workflow. For each step, you assign the employees who can review and approve a record going through the approval process.

The steps in the grid display automatically in step order.

When there are in-progress approvals for a workflow, only the approval administrator (as specified on the General tab in Approval Workflows Configuration) can get full access to this grid by clicking the Edit Workflow button at the top of the tab.

Approval Steps Grid Toolbar

The options on the toolbar are not enabled when there are in-progress approvals for a workflow. To enable them, you must be the approval administrator for the workflow (as specified on the General tab in Approval Workflows Configuration), and you must click the Edit Workflow button at the top of the tab.

Field Description
Approval Steps Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to insert a new row in the grid, and enter a new approval step for the approval workflow.

After you insert one row, the next time that you click Insert, you can click either Insert New Row Above or Insert New Row Below on the shortcut menu to place the new row above or below the row that you selected before you clicked Insert.

Copy Select a row in the grid that you want to copy to create a new approval step. Then click Copy. The information from the selected row is copied to a new row below it. Edit the new row as needed. When you copy an approval step, all the step actions for the step are also copied in the Step Actions grid.
Move Up To change the order of an approval step in the workflow process, select a step in the grid, and click this button to move the step up one row.
Move Down To change the order of an approval step in the workflow process, select a step in the grid, and click this button to move the step down one row.
Delete Select an approval step to remove from the workflow and then click this option. This deletes the approval action from the grid and deletes the step actions that are entered for it in the Step Actions grid.

Approval Steps Grid Fields

Field Description
Step When you insert a step into this grid, this field prefills with the next sequential number. It specifies the order in which the step is performed in the workflow. The steps in the grid display automatically in step order. Use the Move Up and Move Down options to change the order of steps.
Description Enter a short name or description for the approval step that helps identify the step.
Conditions Conditions are optional for an approval step. Click in this field, and then click to open the Conditions dialog box and define conditions under which a step occurs.

For example, you might want to create a condition that says if the total amount of a purchase requisition is greater than $10,000, then the requisition will be routed to the organization administrator for approval.

You can create a condition based on fields that are related to the record being approved. For example, for Purchasing records, this would include fields from a purchase requisition record, purchase order record, and so on, fields from the cost distribution project that is associated with a Purchasing record being approved, and the purchasing item categories of the purchasing item.

During the approval process, conditions are evaluated at the beginning of the step. If the condition is not met, the next action that occurs is based on the action that you select in the Action if Conditions Not Met field in this grid.

The Conditions field displays <Conditions Defined> when a condition is created for an approval step.

Action if Conditions Not Met If you entered a condition for the approval step, select one of the actions from the drop-down list in this field to determine what to do when the condition is not met. Conditions are evaluated at the beginning of the step.

The possible actions are:

  • Skip to Next Step: This moves the approval to the next step in the workflow. When the step is skipped, none of the associated actions for the step (the alerts) will take place. You cannot use Skip to Next Step for the last step of an approval workflow.
  • Approve Step: This marks the step with the unmet condition approved by the approval administrator who is specified on the General tab of Approval Workflows Configuration. Any associated actions (alerts), including applicable, end-of-step actions for the step will be taken. An assignment is made to the approval administrator. If an approval notification is sent to "currently assigned" (employee or employees who are currently assigned to the approval workflow step), it is sent to the approval administrator.
  • Assign to Administrator: This assign the approval step to the employee who is entered in the Approval Administrator field on the General tab of Approval Workflows Configuration.
  • Mark as Final Approved: This skips any remaining approval steps in the workflow and marks the approval as final approved. The approval administrator will be added in the Responsibility column of the approval history grid. Any completed notifications that are sent to the employee who is currently assigned would be sent to the approval administrator. No approval alerts would be sent. The record is marked final approved.
Workflow State Select one of the options from the drop-down list to determine the actions that an approver can take for this step.

For approval workflows for absence requests and AP invoices, this field prefills with In Approval, which you cannot change.

  • In Approval: This option allows approvers to approve or reject a record during the approval step. When you select this option, approvers:
    • Can also reassign a record if the Allow Approvers to Reassign check box is selected on the General tab of Approval Workflows Configuration.
    • Cannot edit the record during the approval step.
  • In Review: This option allows approvers to edit a record during the approval step. When you select this option:
    • You must also select Approve or Restart Approval in the Review Action field in this grid to determine what happens after an approver edits a record. An approver can approve or reject the record, and then the record either continues to the next approval step, or the approval process is restarted, beginning with the first approval step.
    • After an approver edits a record for the approval step, the Approvals option on the toolbar of the application form no longer displays the Approve, Reject, and Reassign options on the submenu. Instead, only a Review option displays. When an approver clicks Review, DPS follows the review action that was specified for the approval workflow step.
    • Approvers can reassign the approval step if the Allow Approvers to Reassign check box is selected on the General tab of Approval Workflows Configuration.

    This option is not available for General Ledger budget approvals.

  • In Progress: This option allows approvers to edit records during the approval step. You cannot specify that the approval process for the record begin again with the first approval step after a record is edited. When you select this option:
    • After an approver edits a record for the approval step, the Approvals option on the toolbar of the application form displays the Approve, Reject, and Reassign options on the submenu.
    • Approvers can reassign the approval step if the Allow Approvers to Reassign check box is selected on the General tab of Approval Workflows Configuration.
Assigned To (for applications other than AP Invoice Approvals) The grid contains an Assigned To column that functions differently based on the approval workflow's application (entered on the General tab). The following Assigned To description applies if an approval workflow's application is not AP Invoice Approvals. See also the Assigned To (for AP Invoice Approvals) field description below.

Click in this field and then click to select the role of the employees who can take action (approve, reject, and so on) for this approval step. This opens the Field Selection dialog box, on which you can select one or more roles. The list of roles may differ based on the application that you selected for the approval workflow in the Application field on the General tab of the form.

You can select employee roles in addition to, or instead of, selecting employees by name in the Specific Employees field in this grid. You must select at least one role or one specific employee to take action for a step.

You select roles and/or specific employees who can take action for this step in the approval process in the Assigned To and/or Specific Employees field.

You specify who must complete the step in the Who Must Complete field in the Approval Step grid.

Possible roles that you can select in the Assigned To field on the Field Selection dialog box are:
  • Approval Administrator: This is the employee who is entered in the Approval Administrator field on the General tab.
  • Buyer: This role applies to approval workflows for purchase orders, purchase order change orders, and purchase order releases. This is the employee who is entered in the Buyer field for the purchase order, change order, or release order to be approved.
  • Buyer's Supervisor: This role applies to approval workflows for purchase orders, purchase order change orders, and purchase order releases. This is the supervisor (entered in the Employee hub) for the employee who is the buyer specified for the purchase order, change order, or release order to be approved.
  • Expense Group Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for Employee Expenses. This is the employee who can access expense reports for all employees in a particular expense group. The administrator is configured by selecting the Expense Group option in the Level field in the Time & Expense tab of the Employee hub.
  • Expense Group Company Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for Employee Expenses and if you use multiple companies. This is the employee who can access expense reports for employees in all expense groups in a particular company. The company administrator is configured by selecting the Company option in the Expense Administration Level field in the Time & Expense tab of the Employee hub.
  • Expense Group System Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for Employee Expenses. This is the employee who can access expense reports for all groups and employees. The administrator is configured by selecting the System option in the Expense Administration Level field in the Time & Expense tab of the Employee hub.
  • Company Buyer: This role applies to approval workflows for purchase orders, purchase order change orders, and purchase order releases. These are the employees who are listed on the Buyers tab of in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company for the active company. All the employees on the Buyer tab must take action for the approval step when the approval process occurs in the DPS company for which they are designated as the company buyers.
  • Create User: This is the employee who created the record to be approved.
  • GL Budget Submitter: This role applies to approval workflows for GL budget approvals. This is the employee who submitted the GL Budget record to be approved.
  • Inventory Manager: This role applies to approval workflows for inventory item requests. You specify these employees in the Manager grid on the Inventory tab in Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company. All of the employees in the Manager grid must take action for the approval step when the approval process occurs in the DPS company for which they are designated as inventory managers.
  • Principal-in-Charge: This role applies to Purchasing and Inventory applications. This is the principal-in-charge who is assigned to the project (in the Projects hub) that is associated with the record to be approved.
  • Project Biller: This role applies to Purchasing and Inventory applications. This is the biller who is assigned to the project (in the Projects hub) that is associated with the record to be approved.
  • Project Manager: This role applies to Purchasing and Inventory applications. This is the project manager who is assigned to the project (in the Projects hub) that is associated with the record to be approved.
  • Project Supervisor: This role applies to Purchasing and Inventory applications. This is the project supervisor who is assigned to the project (in the Projects hub) that is associated with the record to be approved.
  • Requestor: This role applies to approval workflows for purchase requisitions, requests for price quotes, inventory item requests, and absence requests. For Purchasing and Inventory records, the requestor is the employee who is entered in the Requested By field for the record. For absence requests, the requestor is employee for whom the absence request applies.
  • Requestor's Supervisor: This role applies to approval workflows for purchase requisitions, requests for price quotes, inventory item requests, and absence requests. This is the supervisor (entered in the Employee hub) for the employee who is the requestor of the record to be approved.
  • Submitter: This is the employee who submitted the record to be approved; they clicked the Submit button on the entry form to submit the record. Do not assign step 1 to the submitter. The submitter is not logged until a record is submitted.
  • Timesheet Group Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for absence requests. This is the employee who is the administrator for the timesheet group for the employee who is requesting the absence. The employee's timesheet group is entered on the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub. Administrators for timesheet groups are specified in the Group section of the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub. Set up timesheet groups in the browser application (Time Groups tab in Settings > Time).
  • Timesheet Group Company Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for absence requests. This is the employee who is the company-level administrator for all timesheet groups for the company of the employee who is requesting the absence. An employee is specified as a company-level timesheet group administrator in the Group section of the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub.
  • Timesheet Group System Administrator: This role applies to approval workflows for absence requests. This is the employee who is the system-level administrator for all timesheet groups in all companies in DPS. An employee is specified as a system-level timesheet group administrator in the Group section of the Time & Expense tab in the Employee hub.
  • Organization-level approval roles: This includes any approval role that you set up at the organization level in Organization Configuration (if you use organizations in DPS).

    For Purchasing records, DPS uses the cost distribution project to identify the organization for a Purchasing record. If no cost distribution project is entered, DPS uses the organization of the requester. This allows organization-level approvers to be used even if cost distribution projects are not used.

    For absence request approvals, DPS uses the organization-level approval role from the organization of the employee who is requesting an absence approval.

  • User-defined fields: For approval workflows for the Purchasing applications, Inventory item requests, and AP Invoice Approvals, this includes any user-defined fields that you create for the Project hub that contains employees.

    For approval workflows for absence requests, this includes any user-defined employee fields that you create for the Employee hub.

Approval Workflows for Purchasing Applications and Project-Related Roles

To determine the employee to assign for roles that are related to a project, such as the project manager or project supervisor, DPS looks for the project in the following places in the order listed:
  1. The cost distribution override project that is entered for the purchasing or inventory line item to be approved. This is entered on the Cost Distribution tab for purchase requisitions and request for price quotes. It is entered on the Default Distribution tab for purchase orders. To see the override project, click the View Details button on the Items grid for a line item in the Purchasing or Inventory entry form.
  2. If no cost distribution override project is entered on these tabs, DPS looks to the cost distribution project for the record. If multiple projects are found, then multiple approval assignments can be made for the step. For example, nine projects each with a different project manager would produce nine different approval assignments. However if all projects belonged to the same project manager, then DPS would make only one approval assignment.

Approval workflow failures can occur when an employee has not been entered for a role that is assigned to an approval step. For example, if you select Project Manager in the Assigned To field, and a record going through the approval process has no employee entered in the Project Manager field in the Projects hub, a workflow failure occurs. In this situation, the approval would be sent to the employee who is specified as the approval administrator entered in the Approval Administrator field on the General tab on the Approvals Configuration form.

Specific Employees This column does not display when you are creating an approval workflow for AP Invoice Approvals.

Click in this field, and then click to select one or more specific employees by name who can take action for this step in the approval process. You can select specific employees in addition to, or instead of, selecting employee roles in the Assigned To field in this grid. You must select at least one role or one specific employee to take action for a step.

You select roles and/or specific employees who can take action for this step in the approval process in the Specific Employees and/or Assigned To fields. You also choose who must complete the step in the Who Must Complete field in this grid.

Assigned To (for AP Invoice Approvals) The grid contains an Assigned To column that functions differently based on the approval workflow's application (entered on the General tab). The following Assigned To description applies if an approval workflow's application is AP Invoice Approvals. See also the Assigned To (for applications other than AP Invoice Approvals) description above.

Click the ellipsis icon in this field to open the Assigned To dialog box. Then select the roles and/or specific employees who can take action (approve, reject, and so on) for this approval step or the approval hierarchy that will determine the employees who can take action for the approval step.

Who Must Complete Use the drop-down list in this field to select which roles and/or employees that you selected in the Assigned To and/or Specific Employees fields are required to complete the action for this approval step. You select roles and/or specific employees who can take action for this step in the approval process in the Assigned To and/or Specific Employees fields. You choose who must complete the step in the Who Must Complete field in this grid.
Options in the Who Must Complete drop-down list are:
  • Any: Any of the one or more roles or specific employees who are assigned to this approval step (in the Assigned To field in this grid) can complete the step by marking the record as approved. After one employee approves the record, it moves to the next step in the approval process.
  • All: All of the one or more roles or specific employees who are assigned to this approval step (in the Assigned To field in this grid) must mark the record as approved for the step before it is complete and can move to the next step. If there are multiple approvers and any one of them rejects the record, then the record is rejected.
Days Allotted Enter the number of days in which an assigned approver must complete and approve this step. The day count begins when a purchasing or inventory item is submitted. If the approver does not take action on the step within the allotted number of days, any applicable reminder or escalation alerts that you add for a step will be sent.
Review Action This field does not apply for approval workflows for absence requests. This field applies only if you selected In Review in the Workflow State field. In Review allows approvers to edit the record for approval, as well as approve, reject, or reassign it as applicable.

The option that you select in the Review Action field determines what happens after an approver edits a record that is undergoing approval.

Options are:
  • Approve: Select this option to have DPS approve the record after an approver edits the record. The workflow continues on to the next step in the approval process. You may want to avoid this option if all steps in a workflow use conditions. It would be possible for the approver to edit the record so that none of the subsequent step conditions are met.
  • Restart Approval: Select this option to send the record back to step 1 of the approval process after an approver edits the record for the approval step. This allows approvers from earlier steps to review and approve the record.

After an approver edits a record for this approval step, the Approvals option on the toolbar of the application form no longer displays the Approve, Reject, and Reassign options on the submenu. Instead, only a Review option displays. When an approver clicks the Review option, DPS follows the review action that was specified for the approval workflow step (either approve the step or restart the approval process).

Reject Action This setting determines what happens when a reviewer rejects a record that is going through the approval process.
Options are:
  • Assign to Submitter: The approval record is assigned to the employee who originally submitted it, so they can revise and resubmit it.
  • Cancel: This option does not apply for approval workflows for AP invoices and absence requests. This rejects the record (purchase requisition, request for quote, purchase order, or item request) and cancels the approval process (the remaining approval workflow steps are ignored). The status of the record is changed to Rejected. The record is also closed and no more changes can be made to the record. Any applicable reject notifications are sent.
  • None: There will be no reject option for the approval. The record can only be approved.
Assignment Type This field is enabled when the Application option is set to Employee Expenses or Timesheets on the General tab. This field displays which application is used for the approval step.

Step Actions Grid

Use this grid to enter actions to be taken and alerts to be sent to the appropriate employees for the approval step that you currently have selected in the Approval Steps grid. You can create different types of alerts, including alerts to notify approvers that a record is ready for them to approve, alerts to remind approvers when an approval due date is near, alerts to inform appropriate employees that a record has been approved, and so on. You can create actions for an AP invoice approval step, such as sending warning messages when required information is not entered.

Step Actions Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Step Actions Drop-Down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option and on the shortcut menu select the type of action (such as notification alerts or error messages) to add to the approval step.

For the notification actions, a dialog box opens, and you select the method of sending the alert :email and/or notification :and any other settings that are specific to the alert. All of the alerts except the supervisor escalation alert are sent to the currently assigned approver role by default. You can change or add roles and other employees to the alerts when you configure email and notification alerts by clicking the Email and Notification links in the Edit Content field in the grid.

For error message actions, the Validate Error Conditions dialog box opens, and you enter conditions under which the error message will display.

The actions are:
  • Notification: Select this option to send a notification alert to the employees who are assigned to this step when the approval step begins. This lets employees know that there is a record that needs their review and/or approval. On the Add Notification Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Reminder: Select this option to send a reminder alert to the employees who are assigned to this step that the step has not yet been approved and it is due in a certain number of days. On the Add Reminder Alert dialog box that opens, select the options for the alert.
  • Supervisor Escalation: Select this option to send a notification alert to the supervisors of the employees who are assigned to the step: either a certain number of days after the step due date or after the step start date if the step has not yet been approved. These alerts can be sent to inform supervisors that an employee is late in responding to the step. On the Notify Assignee's Supervisor dialog box, select options for the alert. If a supervisor has assigned a delegate to approve records, the delegate's supervisor is not notified.
  • Validate Error at Start: This option displays and applies only when you select the first step in the Approval Steps grid. Select this option to display an error message and restrict an approval workflow from starting unless certain conditions are met when a user enters a record. The error message displays when a user clicks the Submit option to start the approval process for a record. For example, for AP invoice approvals, you might want to require that an invoice number be entered for the AP invoice before the approval process starts. For absence requests, you might want the approval process to begin only if less than 160 hours are entered for the absence request.

    When you select Validate Error at Start, the Validate Error Conditions dialog box opens, and you enter the conditions under which to launch the error message and prevent the approval workflow from starting. When you close the dialog box, the Step Action field in the Step Actions grid prefills with Validate Error at Start. The Edit Contents field in the grid prefills with a Conditions hyperlink, which allows you to view or edit the conditions. Enter the text for the error message in the Description field in the Step Actions grid.

    After you enter a Validate Error at Start action for the first step of a workflow, if you insert a new step 1 before the existing step 1, the Validate Error at Start step action is automatically deleted for the old step 1.

  • Validate Error: Select this option to display an error message and prevent the approval process from progressing to the next step unless certain conditions are met before an approver clicks the Approve option for a record. For example, you can have an error display when an approver leaves the AP invoice number blank or the invoice amount is less than or equal to zero. This ensures that certain information is being entered for the approval record as it navigates through the approval process.

    When you select the Validate Error option, the Validate Error Conditions dialog box opens, and you specify the conditions under which to display the error message and prevent the approval step from moving to the next step. When you close the dialog box, the Step Action field in the Step Actions grid prefills with Validate Error at Step End. The Edit Contents field in the grid prefills with a Conditions hyperlink, which allows you to view or edit the conditions. Enter the text for the error message in the Description field in the Step Actions grid.

  • Suspend Notification: This option applies to AP invoice approvals. Select this option to send a notification when an approver suspends the approval step for an AP invoice in Accounting > AP Invoice Approvals. For example, you can suspend an AP invoice approval step while you are waiting for a revised copy of the invoice from a vendor. The suspend notification is sent to the employees (users, approval roles, security roles) that you specify for the email and/or notification alert.

    When you suspend an approval step for an AP invoice:

    • Other approval alerts are not sent to the approvers of the current step.
    • The days allotted for the approval step are ignored. When you resume the approval step, the allotted days for the approval step are restarted.

    The currently assigned approver can suspend and resume an AP invoice in Accounting > AP Invoice Approvals using the Suspend and Resume options on the shortcut menu that displays when you click Approvals on the toolbar of the AP Invoice Approvals form.

  • Approval Notification: Select this option to send a notification alert to the employees who are assigned to the step when a step is approved. This alert is helpful so that each member of the group of employees who is assigned to the step knows that a member of the group has approved the step. On the Add Approved Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Review Notification: This option applies to Purchasing applications, Inventory item requests, and AP Invoice Approvals. Select this option to send a notification alert to the employees who are assigned to the step when an approver makes a change to the record. On the Add Review Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Rejection Notification: Select this option to send a notification alert to the employees who are assigned to the step if the step is rejected. On the Add Rejected Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Past Due Notification: Select this option to send a notification alert to the employees who are assigned to the step when the approval step is not approved by its due date or when the approval workflow is not completed by its due date. On the Add Past Due Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Requester Notification: This option applies to purchase requisitions, requests for price quote, inventory item requests, and employee absence requests. Select this option to send a notification alert to the record's requester when the approval step starts or ends. On the Add Requester Alert dialog box, select options for the alert. For Purchasing and Inventory records, the requester is the employee who is entered in the Requested By field for record to be approved. For absence requests, the requestor is the employee for whom the absence request applies.
  • Buyer Notification: This option applies to the Purchase Order application. Select this option to send a notification alert to the purchase order's buyer when the approval step starts or ends. On the Add Requester Alert dialog box, select options for the alert. The buyer is the employee who is entered in the Buyer field on the General tab of the Purchase Orders entry form.
  • Submitter Notification: Select this option to send a notification alert to the employee who submitted the purchasing or inventory item when the approval step starts or ends. On the Add Submitter Alert dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Group Complete Notification : This option applies to the General Ledger application. Select this option to send a notification alert to an employee that would approve all budgets associated with a GL budget group. For example, this alert could go to a regional manager when all the team/department budgets associated with the GL group that defines the region have been submitted. In this example, the region manager could receive a single email rather than an email when each individual budget is submitted. The notification is sent when all the budget records are ready to be approved. On the GL Budget Group Notification dialog box, select options for the alert.
  • Completed Notification: Select this option to send a completion notification alert when the last step of an approval workflow is approved (at which time it is considered complete). You can use this action only for the last approval step in the workflow. On the Add Completion Alert dialog box, select options for the alert. For Purchasing application approvals, this alert is commonly sent to the company buyer. For absence requests, you will probably want to send the alert to the requester of the absence request, so they know that the request has been final approved.
  • Create Voucher: This option applies only to AP invoice approval workflows. Select this option for the final step of a workflow if you want DPS to automatically create an accounts payable voucher in Accounting > AP Invoice Approvals when you final approve an AP invoice. This allows you to enter an AP invoice, approve it, and generate a voucher for it from one place, instead of multiple places in DPS. If you link an AP invoice to an existing purchase order on the AP Invoice Approvals form, an AP voucher will be automatically created from the purchase order when the AP invoice is final approved. When you select the Create Voucher action from the Insert drop-down menu, the Add Create Voucher Action dialog box displays. Click OK on the dialog box to add the Create Voucher action in the Step Actions grid. If you create an AP Invoice Approval workflow without adding a Create Voucher action to the final approval step, you receive an informational message to let you know that AP vouchers will not be automatically created with AP invoices are final approved.
Copy Select a row in the grid that you want to copy to create a new step action. Then click Copy. The information from the selected row is copied to a new row below it. Edit the new row as needed.
Move Up To change the order of an action for an approval step, select the action in the grid, and click this button to move the action up one row. The order of the alerts in the grid does not affect their processing.
Move Down To change the order of an action for an approval step, select the action in the grid, and click this button to move the action down one row. The order of the alerts in the grid does not affect their processing.
Delete To remove an action from an approval step, select the approval step in the grid and then click this option. This deletes the action from the grid.

Step Actions Grid Fields

Field Description
Step Action This field displays the type of action that you selected when you clicked Insert on the grid toolbar: Notification, Reminder, Supervisor Escalation - After Step Due Date, Supervisor Escalation - After Step Start Date, Validate Error at Start, Validate Error at Step End, Review, Rejection, Past Due Approval, Requester - When Step Starts, Requester When Step Ends, Submitter - When Step Starts, Submitter - When Step Ends, and Complete.
Description For notification alert actions, this field displays the DPS-assigned description for the alert that is based on the action type that you selected when you clicked Insert on the grid toolbar.

If the step action type that you selected is Validate Error or Validate Error at Start, enter the text for the error message in the Description field. For example, enter a description such as "You must enter a PO amount greater than $50 before the approval process can start." Or, enter "You must enter an invoice number."

Edit Content This field prefills after you insert a step action in the grid, and you choose the method of notification for the alert on the alert dialog box.

When you enter an alert step action, this field can contain either an Email or Notification hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to open the Email Configuration dialog box or the Notification Configuration dialog box, and enter configuration settings for the notification. You specify who to send the alert to, the subject of the alert, and the specific message to include in the alert.

When you enter the Validate Error or the Validate Error at Start step action, this field contains a Conditions hyperlink that opens the Validate Error Conditions dialog box. Enter and modify the conditions in this dialog box.

Active By default, this check box is selected and the alert will be sent for the approval step. Clear the check box if you no longer want the alert to be sent for the approval step. You can do this as an alternative to deleting the step completely from the grid, if you think you might want to use it again.
Language Click in this field and then click to open the Languages dialog box and select the language for the alert. Only the languages that you purchased for DPS display in the list.