Contents of the Users Form

Use this form to create a username and password for an employee, assign the user to a security role, and set up default report settings for the user.

When you click + New User on the form to add a new user, you enter information in the fields on this tab. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and click to open the field in edit mode. Alternatively, you can click Edit onthe Actions bar to edit any fields on any of the tabs in the hub without having to hover over a field name and click .

Use the Detailed view of this form (the default for the form) to add or modify individual DPS user records. Switch to List view by clicking in the upper right corner. This can be helpful if you need to enable or disable multiple users. To return to Detailed view, click .



Field Description
User search Use the search field to search for and select an existing user to view or edit.
Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field and select one of the following search types:
  • All: Display a list of all users.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the users returned by that custom search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.

From the search results list, select the user to display on the Users form.

The user's employee number displays below the name in the search results.

For information about creating and using searches, see the following topics in Basics:
x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the users and open a different record on the form. The numbers show you which record you are viewing out of the total number of available records.
+ New User

Click + New User to add a user. Enter information for the user on the Users form.

Click the Switch to List View icon to switch to the List view of the Users form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form rather than on separate tabs. One or more user records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records.
From List view, you can click the Switch to Detailed View icon to switch back to the Detailed view of the form. Detailed view is the default view that displays when you open a Users form for the first time. In Detailed view, all the fields display on the Users form. The Detailed view is the format that is described in help topics in the Online Help system.
Actions Use these options to edit and manage user information.
  • Edit: Edit the current user record.
  • Copy Copy the current user information to a new record that you can modify.
  • Delete Delete the current user record.
  • Generate Users: Open the Generate Users dialog box, where you can create DPS users from employee records in the Employee hub.
  • Enable All Logins: Enable all users to use DPS.
  • Disable All Logins: Disable all users from using DPS.
  • Export: Select List view and click this option to download a CSV file with the core data of the grid. This option is not available in Detailed view.
Username Enter a username in this field. You can use a combination of uppercase characters, blank spaces, and periods. Alternatively, you can use one of the predefined formats from the Username Format field on the Generate Users dialog box.

For example, the format Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial displays the username Richard M. Freeman as FREEMANRM. DPS defaults to all capital letters.

If your firm uses Windows Integrated Security:

  • The Username field is disabled and your Windows username automatically displays in this field.
  • Embedded spaces (for example, Firstname_Lastname) are helpful in usernames because usernames are required to match the Windows usernames. Windows usernames often include embedded spaces.
Employee Use the drop-down list to select an employee's name or click + Add Employee to open the Employees form on the Employees hub. This form lets you add the employee to the Employees hub as well as add the employee as a user.

DPS automatically creates a relationship between the selected employee record and the username that you specify in the Username field. This relationship is important for timesheet entry, expense entry, and other employee functions.

If you want to create a generic user, do not enter an employee in this field. A username that is not assigned an employee cannot access the applications in DPS that require an employee number, such as Timesheets and Expense Reports, but can still use other parts of DPS.

For example, you can create a username that is not associated with an employee if you have an outside consultant who does not need to use Time and Expense.

Password A password is required to log in to Enter the password, and document and save it in another location.

For security purposes, after you enter and save a password DPS converts it to an encrypted password that is stored in the database. This means that the password that you enter is not a string of characters that displays in the Password field; the characters represent the encrypted password, which you cannot convert back to the original password.

Password policies assigned in Settings > Password Policies are not enforced when you set a user's password. However, if the manually-entered password does not adhere to the password policies, the Force User to Reset Password at Next Login setting is automatically checked.

DPS disables this field if you select the Windows Authentication option for the user.

Role Use this drop-down list to select the role for the user. The role defines the user's access rights to DPS. Each user must have one assigned role. You create and maintain roles on the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles in the desktop application.
Windows Authentication Select this check box to set up the user for Windows Integrated Security. When you select this option, the user does not have to log in to DPS in order to use it, as long as the user logs into Windows with the proper network credentials.

The login page detects the Windows username and domain, and attempts to log in to DPS with that username. If the username exists as a valid DPS user with a valid role, the user can proceed and the login page does not display.

If the user is not logged in to the network, DPS prompts the user for a network identification and password.

This check box applies if you set up single sign-on using Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Domain Enter the user's domain server name, which is required for Windows Integrated Security. This field is enabled when you select the Windows Authentication option.

Note: This field is also required if you set up single sign-on using Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Support Username Enter the username that you use for Deltek's Customer Care site. The field accepts user names up to fifty characters long.
Support Password Enter the password that you use for Deltek's Customer Care site. The field accepts passwords up to fifty characters long. The password entered on this field is encrypted for added security.
Disable Login

Select this check box to revoke the user's ability to use DPS. When you clear this check box is cleared, the user is automatically enabled to use DPS.

If you turned on ODBC connectivity for a user (you selected the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box in the Cloud ODBC Setting section on this tab), when you select the Disable Login check box, it does not disable ODBC access for the user. You must also clear the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box on this tab or delete the user record completely to disable ODBC access for the user.

Force User to Reset Password at Next Login Select this check box to force the user to reset his or her password the next time the user logs in. When this check box is selected, the following occurs:
  • The Welcome screen displays with an active Change Password dialog box.
  • The Cancel and Exit buttons on the dialog box are disabled.

The user must complete the fields on the Change Password dialog box and click OK. The password is reset and the Force User to Reset Password at Next Login option is cleared.

Multi-Factor Authentication Select this option to enable multi-factor authentication security. This field is enabled when Enable Multi-Factor Authentication Using TOTP is selected in Settings > Password Policies.
Default Qualified Status This option displays if you use CRM Plus and the Lead Qualification process is enabled in Settings. Use the Default Qualified Status option to specify the default value for the Qualified Status when a new contact is created in the Contacts hub.
  • New Lead. Select this option for all new contacts to be created with a qualified status of New Lead. This indicates that the contact is in the "lead" phase without any associated firm or other records. As you work with the contact and your relationship evolves through the lead qualification process, you can change the contact's status in the Contacts hub to Qualified Contact. Business developers are likely to select New Lead as the default.

    If the Role field is set to CRM, this field defaults to display New Lead. You can change the default setting as needed.

  • Qualified Contact. Select this option for all new contacts to be created as qualified contacts. This option is selected by default and allows you to bypass the qualification process if your role does not typically work with prospects.

    If the Role field is set to Accounting, this field defaults to display Qualified Contact. You can change the default setting as needed.

Cloud ODBC Settings Section

This section displays if you have the Flex Cloud ODBC Connectivity module activated on the Modules tab in Settings > General > General Systems. This module allows you to turn on ODBC connectivity between an ODBC-compliant tool of your choice and the DPS transaction database. This connection allows you to extract and read data from the DPS database, for example for reporting purposes, or to pull DPS data into third-party software, and so on. With this module activated, you can configure up to five users for ODBC connectivity. For more information about setting up and using ODBC connectivity, see the Set Up Direct Database Access topic in the DPS Cloud Administrator's help.

Field Description
Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity Select this check box to turn on ODBC connectivity for a user. You can select this check box for only five users at one time. The Email and Password fields are enabled and require an entry when you select this check box.

After you select this check box, enter an email and password, and save the settings. You receive a message that the ODBC account has been successfully created. Deltek Cloud Operations will complete the configuration for the account within three business days. Deltek Customer Support will notify you by email when the configuration is complete and the account is ready to use. The email from Deltek Customer Support is sent to the email address specified in the Email field for the ODBC user.

After an ODBC account has been configured for a user, you can delete the account as needed. For example, you may want to free up an account for another user. To delete a user's ODBC account, clear the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box and click Save on the toolbar.

If you delete a user record, the ODBC connectivity is automatically disabled for the user.


This field is enabled when you select the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box. Enter the email address of the user for whom you are setting up ODBC connectivity.

After an ODBC account has been created and configured for a user, you cannot change the email address directly in this field. If you need to change the email address, clear the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box and click Save on the toolbar. This completely deletes the user's ODBC account. Then select the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box again, and re-enter an email and password to set up a new ODBC account with the correct email address.


This field is enabled when you select the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box. Enter the password that the ODBC user will use. The password must contain a combination of lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and symbols, and be at least eight characters in length. Password policies that are assigned in Settings > Security > Password Policies do not apply to this password.

After you select the Enable Cloud ODBC Connectivity check box, enter an email address and password, and click Save, you receive a message that an ODBC account has been successfully created. You will receive an email from Deltek Customer Care within three business days to let you know that the configuration is complete and the account is ready to use. The email is sent to the email address that is specified in the Email field for the ODBC user.

You can change the password directly in this field at any time.

Default Print Settings Section

The options in this section determine how the user's reports display and print.

Field Description
Page Size From the drop-down list, select the default page size for reports. The page size that you select in this field determines the Page Width and Page Height values. When you select Custom, you can enter the width and height of your choice. Users can modify the page size in Reporting in the desktop application.
Unit of Measure From the drop-down list, select Inches or Millimeters as the unit of measure to use with the report measurements fields on this tab. Users can modify the unit of measure in Reporting.
Page Width, Page Height

Your setting for the Page Size option determines the width and height settings. The measurements display in either inches or millimeters, based on your selection in the Unit of Measure field.

If you select Custom in the Page Size field, these fields are enabled so you can enter a width and height of your choice.

Top Margin Enter the top margin for a report page.
Bottom Margin Enter the bottom margin for a report page.
Left Margin Enter the left margin for a report page.
Right Margin Enter the right margin for a report page.
Font Select the default font for reports.