Contents of the Column Selections or List View Settings Dialog Box

On this dialog box, select the columns to display in a grid.


Field Description
Available Columns

This list contains all of the columns that are available to display in the grid that have not already been selected to display. After you select a column from this list, it is moved to the Selected Columns list on this dialog box.

To add a column to the grid, click the column in the Available Columns list. The column is moved to the Selected Columns list. Click Add All to add all available columns to the Selected Columns list.

Selected Columns

This list contains all of the columns included by default or that you selected from the Available Columns list to display in the grid pane. The column selections apply only to you. Other users can choose to display a different set of columns. For more information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

The order of the columns from top to bottom in this list is the order that they will appear from left to right in a grid.

To change the order, click to the left of the column name that you want to move, and drag to move the column.

To remove a column from the grid, click the to the right of the column in the Selected Columns list. The column is moved back to the Available Columns list. Click Remove All to move all selected columns back to the Available Columns list.

Save After you select the columns that you want, click Save to close the dialog box and update the grid.
Cancel To close the dialog box without changing the columns in the grid, click Cancel.
Restore Defaults If you change the columns in the grid and then later decide to restore the columns to the default selection originally provided, click Restore Defaults.