Employee Home Company

When you track multiple companies in DPS, you use the Home Company field in the Summary pane of the Employees hub to assign an employee to a home company.

The home company identifies the company that an employee currently works for. If an employee works for multiple companies, it does not matter which of the multiple companies you assign as the employee 's home company.

After you specify the employee's home company, you can associate the employee with additional companies as needed in the Employees hub by clicking Other Actions in the Action bar, and then select Associate with New Company. A new employee record is created for the company that you associate the employee with. You specify the employee's organization, pay rate, account, and timesheet information for each associated company. DPS can then process transactions and reports for each company using the appropriate organizations, pay rates, accounts, and timesheet information for the employee.

After you associate an employee with another company and save the employee record, the drop-down list in the Home Company field now includes that company that can be selected as the employee's home company.