Toolbar of Invoice Approval Process Form

Use toolbar options to create invoice approval processes and print a report of their details.


Field Description
New Click this option to create a new invoice approval process. Select one of the following options:
  • New Invoice Approval Process: Select this option to open a blank Invoice Approval Process form and create a new invoice approval process. A Submit, Approve, Reject, and Unsubmit action row prefill in the Actions grid.
  • Copy Current Invoice Approval Process: Select this option to copy the invoice approval process that is displayed on the Invoice Approval Process form into a blank Invoice Approval Process form. Then enter a new code and description for it, and edit it as needed.
  • Select Invoice Approval Process: Select this option to open the Invoice Approval Process Lookup dialog box. Select an existing invoice approval process to copy into a blank Invoice Approval Process form to create a new invoice approval process.
Delete Click this option to delete the invoice approval process that is currently displayed on the form. You cannot delete an invoice approval process code if either of the following apply:
  • The code is entered as the default on the Summary pane inSettings > Billing > Options.
  • The code is already entered in a project's billing terms.
Print Click this option to view or print a report that includes all the invoice approval processes that you set up in Invoice Approval Process Configuration. This report lists each invoice approval code and description and shows you the setup information that is entered for each action in the Actions grid on the Invoice Approval Process form for the approval code.