Cost Pay Rate Table Reports

You can use reports to review effective dates for labor rate tables, labor category tables, and labor code tables.

Report Contents
Cost/Pay Rate Table List For each labor rate table selected, the report lists:
  • Table numbers and names
  • Each table's Rate Type: Cost rate, pay rate, or both
  • Employee numbers and names
  • Effective dates
  • Regular rates
  • Overtime percentages and secondary overtime percentages
Cost/Pay Rate Category Table List For each labor category table selected, the report lists:
  • Table numbers and names
  • Each table's rate type: Cost rate, pay rate, or both
  • Category names and descriptions
  • Effective dates
  • Regular rates
  • Overtime percentages and secondary overtime percentages
Cost/Pay Rate Labor Code List For each labor code table selected, the report lists:
  • Table numbers and names
  • Each table's rate type: Cost rate, pay rate, or both
  • Labor code mask and description
  • Effective dates
  • Regular rates
  • Overtime percentages and secondary overtime percentages