Set Up Cost/Pay Labor Tables and Specify Effective Dates

When you set up cost/pay labor tables for labor rates, labor categories, or labor codes, use the grid on the relevant form to specify the effective date and the new rate.

To set up cost/pay labor tables and effective dates:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Rate Tables.
  2. In the Rate Tables section, select a cost/pay labor table type from the following:
    • Cost/Pay Labor Rates
    • Cost/Pay Labor Categories
    • Cost/Pay Labor Codes
  3. Click + New Rate Table.
  4. In the cost/pay labor table form, enter a table name and number. Specify the currency to be used in the rate table.
  5. In the Rate Type field, select Cost Rate, Pay Rate, or Both.
  6. Use the grid on the form to add rows in which you specify effective dates and, when appropriate, overtime percentages. For example, when you add a cost/pay labor rate table, you specify the employee, effective date of the rate change, the regular rate, and an optional overtime percentage or secondary overtime percentage. Each table must contain at least one row.
  7. Click Save.