Documents Tab of Projects Hub

Use the Documents tab to associate a document with a project record. You can check out a document for exclusive access, edit it, and then check it back in to make it available to other users. You can also view the document's version history.


Field Description
Document Tree Pane Use this pane to view the sites, document libraries, and folders set up for this record.
Icon Description
This icon represents existing sites. A site can contain libraries, folders, or documents.
This icon represents existing document libraries. A library can contain folders or documents.
This icon represents existing folders. A folder can contain documents.
+ and - Use the + and - signs to expand or collapse levels. To expand the information in folders, double-click the folder icon.
Insert Click this option to upload a new document to SharePoint and link it to a record, or to link an existing SharePoint document to a record. A drop-down list displays with these options:
  • Upload New Document: Select this option to locate and link a document to a record. The File Upload dialog box displays. The selected document will be uploaded to SharePoint and linked to the records that you select.
  • Link SharePoint Document: Select this option to link an existing SharePoint document to a record. The Link Document dialog box displays and you can select the document to link.
Check In Click this option when you are done with the selected document. After you check in the document, other users can access it. You can also use this option to save changes to the document but keep the document checked out for exclusive editing. The Document Check In dialog box displays when you click this option.

Click OK when a message displays to tell you that the process was successful. The Check Out option enables and the Check In option disables.

Undo Check Out Click this option to cancel the previous check out of the selected document. This makes the document available for check in again and removes the recent entry in the Checked Out By column.
Check Out Click this option when you need to work on the selected document. After you check out the document, you have exclusive access to it. No other users can access this document until you check it back in. Click the link in the File field to open the document.

Click OK when a message displays to tell you that the process was successful. Your username displays in the Checked Out By column of the Documents grid. The Check In option enables and the Check Out option disables.

Properties Click this option to view the title and description of the selected document on the Edit Properties dialog box. You can also edit the title on this dialog box.
Disassociate Click this option to remove the link from this document to the selected info center record.
Delete Click this option to remove this document from SharePoint. This also removes any existing links to records.
History Click this option to view the document's version history. All previous activity for this document displays on the Document Version History dialog box.
Title This field displays the name of the document.
File This field displays the filename of the document.
Modified This field displays the date and time that the file was last checked in.
Modified By This field displays the Windows logon name of the user who last checked out this document.
Checked Out By If the document is currently checked out, this field displays the Windows logon name of the user who checked it out.
Comments This field displays the comments associated with the check in of the document. Click if you want to use the Text Editor to add or modify comments.
Size This field displays the current size of the file.