System Settings Tab of the Weblink Form

Use the System Settings tab to specify the server job information, such as polling interval, and to specify the session state storage parameters.



Field Description
Polling Interval (sec) Enter the interval at which the databases will be polled for alerts and schedule jobs. Deltek recommends at least a 15 second polling interval.
Max concurrent jobs Enter the maximum number of jobs that will run concurrently on any queue on the process server, regardless of how many jobs are actually in a queue. Enter zero for no limit. System administrators can override this value for a particular queue on the Servers tab in Settings > General > General System in the DPS desktop application.

If you change the maximum allowable number of concurrent jobs from this field, you must restart your process servers for the change to take effect.

Copy Databases.enc to In a multi-tier deployment of Deltek DPS (for example, multiple Web/application servers and/or dedicated process servers), it is necessary to maintain synchronization of the various copies of databases.enc. This field allows you to enter the UNC path (or mapped network drive) to your various servers that hold copies of databases.enc, so that changes can be synchronized.

After changes to the databases.enc file are made, for each server you must enter the path to the location of that server's databases.enc file and then click Save. Weblink will then copy the file to the specified server. A copy of databases.enc must already exist in the location for the copy to be successful.

Send errors to Deltek automatically Select this option if you want DPS to automatically send error messages to Deltek, so that Deltek has a record of those errors.
Private SaaS This option is only used by Deltek CloudOps. This option should not be selected for on-premise installations of Deltek DPS.
Default Language This field is for future use.

The Default Language list displays all the available languages in DPS. These values are in the language of the user currently logged into Weblink. For example, when logged into the English version, it might contain English, Spanish, and German.

The Default Language is used to do the following:

  • Control the language used for single language databases where Multilingual is not enabled in Module Activation.
  • Display the Login and Weblink Login screens if the user’s culture is not recognized and that Windows user has never logged into DPS. (If that Windows user has logged into DPS previously, then the last language used is remembered.)
  • Display the Login and Weblink Login screens if the user’s culture is recognized, but that language is not enabled in any databases and that Windows user has never logged into DPS. (If that Windows user has logged into DPS previously, then the last language used is remembered.)

The Enable Languages drop-down menu allows you to print the list of languages or export it to Excel.

Store Session State in Memory or Store Session State in SQL Server

Select one of the following settings in the field above the Database Setup section:

  • Store Session State in Memory: This stores the session state in the computer's temporary memory. If you switch the session state storage methods from one to the other, the WebLink utility must force a restart of ASP.NET, and therefore cause all current users to lose their session state. The WebLink utility will prompt you with a warning indicating this when you switch from one method to the other. Click No when prompted to retain the current method. Click Yes when prompted to change the method and restart ASP.NET.
  • Store Session State in SQL Server: This stores the session state in the database. When you select this setting, the WebLink utility enables the Database Setup fields. You must enter database connection information for the database where the session state is to be stored in these fields. If you switch the session state storage methods from one to the other, the WebLink utility must force a restart of ASP.NET, and therefore cause all current users to lose their session state. The WebLink utility will prompt you with a warning indicating this when you switch from one method to the other. Click No when prompted to retain the current method. Click Yes when prompted to change the method and restart ASP.NET.

Database Setup Section

Field Description
SQL Server Enter the name of the database server as entered in Microsoft SQL Server, in which to store the session state.
Database Name Enter the name of the DPS database that you will use to store the session state.
Windows Authentication This specifies that a Windows User account will be used to connect to your SQL Server database. This user account must have been created as a valid user account in SQL Server and must have the appropriate rights to the DPS database. This account also needs to be configured as the Identity of the IIS Application Pool.

If this check box is selected, then the SQL Username and SQL Password fields are disabled and the Windows Username and Windows password will be used instead.

If this check box is not selected, then you must specify a database username and password to use.

SQL Username Enter the username of the Microsoft SQL Server administrative who will manage this database. Deltek does not recommend using the sa account.
SQL Password Enter the corresponding password for this user account.

SIEM Section

This section is reserve for Deltek internal use. Please ignore this section and leave the fields blank.

ODBC Management Section

This section does not apply if you use the DPS on-premise product. Please ignore this section and leave the fields blank.

If you use the DPS cloud product and you use the ODBC connectivity feature to allow users to connect to the DPS transaction database using ODBC, the Deltek Cloud Operations team maintains the settings in this section for you.

Advanced Server Connection Settings Section

The options in this section can enhance application performance over wide area network (WAN) connections, especially those with high latency (100 ms or higher). By default, these options are not selected.

Field Description
Share a single HTTP connection for all HTTP requests and establish authentication persistence when using Windows Integrated Authentication (supports Kerberos only) Select this option if you use Windows Integrated Authentication with DPS and meet the requirements described in the next paragraph.

Kerberos is the default authentication package for Windows Integrated Authentication. Kerberos does not traverse firewalls, so it can only be used on a private network or virtual private network (VPN) on which users can communicate with the Key Distribution Center (KDC) on the domain controller.

Share a single HTTP connection for all HTTP requests when using Windows Integrated Authentication (supports Kerberos and NTLM) Select this option to support both Kerberos and NTLM authentication.

If some users will access the Web server over the Internet, they cannot be authenticated with Kerberos. For these users, the authentication package uses NTLM (NT Challenge/Response).

To ensure authentication persistence for users on the private network using Kerberos, you must modify settings in the ApplicationHost.config file as discussed in the following Microsoft support article:

The settings discussed in these Microsoft support articles must be implemented on all Web/application servers.

None selected Select this option to return these settings to their default.
Disable automatic proxy detection on HTTP requests Select this check box if users do not go through a proxy server to access the Web server.
Save Click this option to save your changes.
Change Password Select this option to change your Weblink password.