Create a Create Activity Action

Use the Create Activity action to create an activity, such as schedule a meeting or arrange a phone call, when a workflow event occurs. You can create these actions for user initiated workflows or scheduled workflows.

This action is available only if the DPS CRM application is installed.

To create a create activity action:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Workflow, and then select either User Initiated Workflows or Scheduled Workflows.
  2. On the User Initiated Workflows form or Scheduled Workflows form, use the drop-down list in the header field to select the hub or other area, such as employees or billing terms.
  3. In the Workflows grid (or Scheduled Workflows grid), select the workflow row (event) to which you want to add the action.
  4. In the Actions grid, click Add Action > Create Activity.
  5. On the Overview tab of the Activities dialog box, select the type of activity, such as CRM Call or Weekly Project Meeting, from the first drop-down list.
  6. To set the date and time, reminder, recurrence interval, location, and priority of the activity, or to enter notes about it, complete the other fields on the Overview tab.
  7. To upload, view, or store files that are related to the activity, or to add URLs, email addresses, and links to files and graphics for the activity, complete the fields on the Files & Links tab.
  8. Click Save. The action that you created is now listed in the Actions grid of the User Initiated Workflows form or Scheduled Workflows form.