Employees Overview Tab

On this tab in the Employees hub, you enter, edit, and view an employee's information.

When you click the add record option on the form to add a new record to the hub, you enter information in the fields on this tab. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and click to open the field in edit mode. Alternatively, you can use the Actions bar and select Edit to edit any fields on any of the tabs in the hub without having to hover over a field name and click . Some fields, such as calculated fields, cannot be edited.

The field descriptions in this topic describe how to enter information for a new record.

Name and Background Section

Field Description
First Name Enter the employee's first name.
Middle Name Enter the employee's middle name or initial.
Last Name Enter the employee's last name.
Preferred Name Enter the employee's preferred name.
Salutation Select the salutation for an employee, such as Mr., Mrs., and so on.
Suffix Select the suffix, such as Sr. or Jr. to use with the employee's name. Your system administrator defines the list of suffixes in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
Professional Suffix Enter the professional suffix to use with the employee's name, such as CPA.
Full Name This field displays after you initially enter an employee and save the employee record. This is the employee's full name, including their salutation, preferred name (if one is entered; if not, the first name is used), middle name, last name, suffix, professional suffix, and title. To edit the fields, hover over Full Name and click .

Select this check box to specify that the employee is a firm and does not work for your enterprise. This allows the employee record to be used for proposals.

This check box displays if you use DPS CRM. You cannot select the Firm check box if the Approve for Use in Processing check box in the Available To field on the Overview tab of the Employees form is selected for the employee.

When you select the Firm check box, the following apply:

  • The Organization field in the Summary pane of the Employees form is replaced with a Firm field. Enter the firm that is associated with the employee.
  • You cannot select the Approve for Use in Processing check box in the Available To field on the Overview tab of the Employees form for the employee.
  • If you have multiple companies in DPS and you select this check box:
    • For a new employee record, the employee can be associated with only one company. Selecting this check box updates the employee record's Home Company field in the Summary pane to match the active company. You cannot change this field.
    • For an existing employee record, you can only select the Firm check box if the Home Company matches the current active company.
    • For an existing employee record that is associated with more than one company, DPS displays an error message that prompts you to remove the related company records before you can select and save the Firm check box settings. If you are unable to remove the related company records (because postings have occurred), you cannot make the existing employee record a firm.
Talent Management User ID This field displays when DPS is integrated with the Talent Management application. Talent Management assigns a value for this field when a new employee record is created and then sent to DPS. For employee records created in DPS, this field gets populated after a data run, where DPS sends the employee record to Talent Management and Talent Management sends back the record to DPS.

Employee Information Section

Field Description
Previous Years with this Firm Enter the number of years that the employee previously worked for your company if the employee worked for your company, then left, and was rehired. This is the previous number of years that they worked for your company prior to the date that you enter in the Hire Date field.
Total Years with this Firm This is a calculation of the total number of years that the employee has worked for this firm:

((Number of years between the Hire Date and Termination Date) + Previous Years with this Firm).

Years with Other Firms Enter the number of years that the employee worked for other companies.
Total Years Experience This is a calculation of the total number of years of experience that the employee has at your company plus other companies:

(Total Years with this Firm +Years with Other Firms

Available To This displays if you have both the Accounting and CRM modules.
  • CRM Users: Select this check box to allow users with a CRM type security role to view and select this employee record. A CRM type security role has the CRM check box selected for Type of Role in Settings > Security > Roles.
  • Accounting Users: Select this check box to allow users with an Accounting type security role to view and select this employee record. An Accounting type security role has the Accounting check box selected for Type of Role in Settings > Security > Roles.
  • Approved for Use in Processing: Select this check box to allow this employee record to be used in accounting transactions. Clear the check box to prevent an employee record from being used in accounting transactions.

    This check box displays if you have the Accounting module.

    Only employees whose security role has the Accounting check box selected for Type of Role in Settings > Security > Roles can select or clear the Approved for Use in Processing check box.

    The following apply:

    • If the Firm check box is selected for the employee on the Overview tab of the Employees form, the Approved for Use in Processing check box is disabled and cannot be selected.
    • After the Approved for Use in Processing check box is selected and an employee has accounting transactions, you cannot clear the Approved for Use in Processing check box.

    When you select the Approved for Use in Processing check box, you must also complete the following:

    • Select a labor type for the employee in the Labor Type field in the Job Cost section of Accounting tab on the Employees form.
    • On the Time & Expense tab on the Employees form, enter information in the Default Labor Code section.

    If you use Payroll and you do not select this check box, DPS excludes the employee from Automatic Payroll Processing runs.