Miscellaneous Tab of General System Settings Form

Use the Miscellaneous tab to enter system-wide settings for: workflow logs, internet authentication, instant messaging, polling intervals for alerts, attachment save location (MODI), exported report destinations, FILESTREAM file size upload limits, and Text Editor font defaults.



Field Description
Enable Workflow Log Select this option to enable the Workflow log. If you choose to log workflow actions, the log records the progress of each workflow, such as when events start, and when individual actions succeed, fail, or are not executed because defined conditions are not met. This log is mainly used as a troubleshooting tool to determine why workflow alerts do or do not work correctly.
Number of days to retain log If you selected the Enable Workflow Log option, enter the number of days that you want workflow actions retained.
Web Service Timeout (seconds) The default duration for web service timeout is 100 seconds. Use this field to prolong the duration before web service timeout. Enter 0 or make it blank to make the duration infinite.
Allow APIs to Trigger Workflow Select this option to allow regular workflows to be triggered from an API (for example, when a new employee is hired and imported into DPS).

Internet Authentication

Field Description
Domain If your company requires credentials for DPS to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication domain name.
Username If your company requires credentials for DPS to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication username.
Password If your company requires credentials for DPS to make an Internet (HTTP) call, enter the authentication password name.

Activity Settings

Field Description
Polling Interval for Alerts

Activity alerts are designed to remind you of calendar events, tasks to be assigned or approved, and the need to submit timesheets, expense reports, and project budgets. The polling interval that you specify determines how often DPS checks for alert activity.

Enter the polling interval in seconds. The value you enter must be greater than 0. Deltek recommends a value of 6; however, it can be higher if needed.

Allow Users to Share Their Calendars Select this option to allow calendars to be shared and viewed among DPS users.

Text Editor Font Defaults

Specify the default font and size that the Text Editor uses whenever someone enters text in a memo, comment, note, description, or proposal field. The default settings are also used in reports that include these fields. Changing the default font and size does not change formatting for any existing text. The new font and size apply only to text that you enter after you make the change.

Field Description
Font Use this field to select the default font.
Size use this field to select the default size.
Field Description
Enable Instant Messaging Select this option to enable the Instant Message and Email feature. You can click the icon next to an employee’s name to use the Employee lookup to send an Instant Message or an email message directly to that employee in the DPS database.
Application Session Timeout (Minutes) Enter the amount of idle time after which a user will be prompted to log back into DPS. A blank value indicates that no timeout exists, and users will not be required to log back into DPS, no matter how long they have been idle.
Default Attachment Save Location (MODI) If your enterprise uses Microsoft Office and Desktop Integration (MODI), you can use this field to set up a system default location for email message attachments.

Export Reports as Files

The following export options allow you to save reports, including invoices, on the DPS application server or a server of your choice.

Field Description
Export Reports as Files

Use this option to select the type of export process, if any, that you want to apply to reports, including Billing invoices:

  • Do Not Allow Reports to be Exported: Select this option if reports will not be exported.
  • Allow Reports to be Exported to Application Server: Select this option to export reports to a file on the application server. The export process occurs when the Export Reports as Files When Printing option is selected on the Print Setup dialog box, where you can define the format for saving the report. For example, you might want to save an invoice file on the application server when the invoice is final printed but not when the draft invoice is created.
  • Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP: Select this option to use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to export and save invoices to an application server of your choice. When you choose to upload via SFTP, you also specify the SFTP Host Name, User Name, and Password to ensure that your files are securely transferred to the appropriate location. The export process occurs when the Upload Reports via SFTP when Printing option is selected on the Printer dialog box, where you can define the format for saving the report.

    For additional information on implementing SFTP with Microsoft IIS, see: http://www.iis.net/learn/publish/using-the-ftp-service/using-ftp-over-ssl-in-iis-7

    If you do not use Microsoft IIS for SFTP, refer to your vendor's documentation for additional information.

SFTP Host Name If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the name of the SFTP host.
SFTP Username If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the SFTP username.
SFTP Password If you set the Export Reports as Files option to Allow Reports to be Uploaded via SFTP, use this field to specify the SFTP password.


Field Description
File Size Upload Limit (Megabytes)

This field displays if DPS is configured to allow employees to upload documents for transactions, templates, and hubs (it does not apply Adobe InDesign templates). When you upload a document, a copy of the file is stored in DPS. To control the size limit for each file, enter the maximum allowable file size in Megabytes (MB). If the uploaded file exceeds the allowable limit, DPS displays an error message an includes the impacted file names.

You must enter a number in this field. You cannot leave it blank.