Payroll History Loading Utility

Payroll History is information about employee payroll postings during the current quarter and year.

If you installed the Payroll application at the beginning of the year, this information is complete and you do not have to enter payroll history. However, if you installed the Payroll application at a time other than the beginning of the year, this information is incomplete and you will have to enter payroll history.

The following reports are updated when you enter data on the Payroll History form:
  • Employee Payroll List
  • Form 940 Worksheet
  • Form 941 Worksheet
  • State Unemployment Insurance Worksheet
  • State/Local Income Tax Worksheet
  • Withholdings By Category Report

If you use multiple companies, when you enter historical payroll information for your employees, you are doing so for the active company.

If you use multiple currencies, when you enter historical payroll information for your employees, all monetary figures are based on the functional currency of the active company.