Inventory Tab of Item Requests Line Detail Dialog Box

Approvers can use this tab to view quantity and other data for an item in the item request that is open now.


Field Description
Item Number This field displays the item's Item Number, from the General tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.
Category This field displays the item's category, from the General tab of the Items Grid.
Inventory Reorder Point This field displays the item's Inventory Reorder Point from the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.
Inventory U/M This field displays the item's Inventory U/M from the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.
Average Actual Cost This field displays the result of the calculation [(Quantity on Hand * Current Average Actual Cost) + (New Unit Cost)]/New Quantity on Hand.
Quantity on Hand This field displays the total quantity of this inventory item at all locations, using the data that is in your firm's inventory records now.
Quantity on Requisition This field displays the total quantity of this same item, in all In Progress, Submitted or Approved but not Closed purchase requisitions.
Quantity on Order This field displays the total quantity of this same item, in all In Progress, Submitted or Approved but not Closed purchase orders.
Quantity Reserved This field displays the total quantity of this same item that is marked to use for specific project(s) in all Approved item requests.
Net Quantity Available

This field displays the total quantity of this same item that is available to be marked for specific projects.

DPS populates this field with the result of the calculation Quantity on Hand +Quantity on Requisition + Quantity on Order - Quantity Reserved.

Quantity Requested This field displays the total quantity of this same item in all item requests that have a status of In Progress or Submitted.