Purchasing and Multiple Currencies

When you track multiple currencies, DPS stores maximum purchase order amounts, buyers' purchasing limits, approvers' approval limits, and total-to-date amounts in the functional currency of the active company.

DPS stores vendor item prices in the transaction currency specified on the last purchase order.

Purchase Orders

For any purchase order, you can select a currency from a list of currencies enabled for use by your company. Multiple purchase requisitions and requests for quotes can be entered in the same purchase order if they are in the same currency. After you print a final copy purchase order, DPS calculates all committed expenses and stores the amounts in these currencies:

  • The functional currency of the company that owns the project, phase, or task
  • The project currency of the project
  • For the committed expense's billing extension, the project currency or the billing currency, depending on whether you select the Use Billing Currency not Project Currency option in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.