Organization Reporting

Use the Organization Reporting application to track the performance of individual organizations in your enterprise. Similar to profit centers, organizations are business units that incur expenses and/or generate revenue.

For example, if your enterprise is divided into regions and offices, you might create a separate organization for each region and office, and maintain information for each of these segments of your business.

With Organization Reporting, each transaction that you enter in DPS is linked to the organization or organizations responsible for that transaction. With transactions linked to organizations, you can generate financial statements, project reports, and other reports for a single organization, a group of organizations, or all of your organizations.

Important: If your only activated modules are CRM and/or Resource Planning, you set up organizations in the browser application, in Settings > General > Organization. See Organizations (CRM or Resource Planning) for details.

If you have any other modules in addition to CRM or Resource Planning, you set up Organization Reporting in the desktop application, Settings > Organization. See Organization Setup for details.

General Ledger Postings

When you use Organization Reporting, each project and employee in your database is assigned to an organization. As transactions are processed, DPS updates the appropriate general ledger accounts based on the project and/or employee referenced in the transaction's detail lines.

Organizations are never referenced explicitly in transaction entry. They are always derived from the project and/or employee entered in the transaction file.

All organizations within your enterprise use the same chart of accounts. DPS uses all transactions processed for each organization's employees and projects to create separate Balance Sheets and Income Statements for each individual organization.

When you run a consolidated Income Statement or Balance Sheet, transaction activity for all organizations is reflected in the totals. This makes the impact of using Organization Reporting minimal for your accounting staff. All organizations charge the same general ledger accounts. Implementing Organization Reporting creates no extra data fields.

Example of a Transaction Posting

  • In the Projects hub, project 200BC02.00 is assigned to the organization Boston Architecture.
  • In the Projects hub, project 200SE05.00 is assigned to the organization San Francisco Architecture.
  • A voucher is processed for printing and reproduction costs related to each of these projects.
Project Expense Account Amount
200BC02.00 Account 526.00 $100.00
200SE05.00 Account 526.00 $225.00

After you post your transactions, your organization and corporate "T" accounts display the following data:

Boston Architecture

Expense 526.00 Accounts Payable 210.00
$100.00 $100.00

San Francisco Architecture

Expense 526.00 Accounts Payable 210.00
$225.00 $225.00

Corporate (Consolidated)

Expense 526.00 Accounts Payable 210.00
$225.00 $325.00

Names of Organizations

By default, DPS calls your entities "organizations" wherever such a label appears on screens or reports. You can opt to give them a different name, such as profit centers, cost centers, or business units.