Contents of the Search Pane in Microsoft Outlook

Use the fields and options on this pane to search for and view records in DPS.


Field Description
Click this icon to close the pane.
Search Enter all or part of the record name or number for the contact, firm, project, or opportunity to search for. The results immediately display below this field.
Results Status The number of records found displays beside the search field.
Click this icon to clear the search field and results list to perform another search.
Search Results The search retrieves all DPS contacts, firms, projects, and opportunities with:
  • A record name or number that matches your search terms.
  • An entry in another field for the record that matches your search terms.

When you click a contact in the results list, the contact displays in the DPS contact information pane in Outlook.

If a contact has an email address entered for it in the Contacts hub in DPS, when you hover over it in the search results list, you can do either of the following:

  • Click the email icon to open a blank email with the contact's name prefilled in the To field.
  • Click to open an Outlook calendar meeting invitation. The To field for the meeting invitation prefills with the contact's name. A meeting that you create this way is not synchronized to DPS.

When you click a firm, project, or opportunity in the results list, the record opens in the DPS hub in a separate window.

Search Results Example:

You enter Anderson in the search field.

The search results list displays the following results:

  • Janet Anderson (a contact)
  • George Smith (a contact who works for the firm Anderson and Associates)
  • Anderson and Associates (a firm)
  • Anderson Clinic (a project)
  • Belmont Park (a project with Anderson and Associates entered as the primary client for the project)
  • Brown and Anderson Expansion (an opportunity)