Advanced Options Tab of the Payroll Direct Deposit Processing Form

Use the Advanced Options tab to edit advanced options related to the direct deposit file that DPS creates. Changes that you make on this form override settings for the same fields on the Direct Deposit tab of the Bank Codes form (Settings > Accounting > Banks).

This tab displays only if you did not specify a bank code on the Payroll Setup form (or on the Individual Organization Setup form, if you are posting payroll to an organization-specific bank). To edit bank information when bank code fields do not display, click Bank Code Maintenance on the Direct Deposit Processing toolbar to open the Bank Codes form. If you edit information this way, you must close and reopen the Direct Deposit Processing application for the changes to take effect.


Field Description
Identification Code Designator (ICD)

Select the number to use to qualify the entry in the Company ID field. The ICD value is placed in byte 41 of the company/batch header record and in byte 45 of the company/batch control record, each of which precedes the Company ID value in the respective record. Predefined values for the ICD field are:

  • 1 - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • 3 - Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
  • 9 - User Assigned Number.
File Header Byte 4 Character Enter a value in this field to be placed in byte 4 of the file header record, which is the first character in the space reserved for the value entered in the Immediate Destination Number field.
File Padding Select this option to add dummy records (all 9s) to the direct deposit processing file, after the file control record, to force the total record count to be a multiple of 10 (if this is not already the case at the end of processing).
Separate Batches for Credits and Debit

Select this option to place the debit entry to the company account in a separate batch from the credit entries. If you do not select this option, DPS places the debit entry to the company account at the end of the batch containing the credit entries. This option is available only when the Credits and Debit file format option is selected.

Restore Defaults Click this button to reset the advanced setup options to their default values.