Ceridian Export Report

After you create an export file, you can review the Ceridian Export Report in a Preview window.

The Ceridian Export Report contains the following information for each employee listed in the export file:

  • Company Name
  • Applicable Period of Time: The time period the payment covers, for example 1=all or part of 1 week

  • Employee Number
  • Ceridian Payroll Number
  • Employee Name
  • Social Security Number
  • Earning Code: Represents either hours or amount, but not both. Code must be set up in Powerpay before export
  • Hours: A value displays in this field if the earning code is paid in number of hours
  • Amount: A value displays in this field if the earning code is paid in a monetary amount
  • Exception Rate: Valid only for hours-related earning codes
  • Distribution: Must correspond to a department code already established in Ceridian Powerpay
  • Pay Period
  • Batch ID code
  • Client code number
  • Employee total hours

If you use multiple companies, only the timesheets for the active company are included.