Employee Pay Rate Information

Before processing payroll, your enterprise must establish payroll information for each employee, such as an employee’s pay rate and type, overtime percentage rates, and withholdings. You establish an employee's pay information from the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.

Depending on the method your enterprise uses to determine employee pay rates, you may be able to override default pay information using pay rate tables.

Two Methods to Determine Employee Pay Rates

Two methods are available for determining how DPS calculates employee pay rates:

  • Use the default pay rate for all projects: To use the same pay rate for an employee regardless of the project that time is charged to or the date that time is posted, you use the default pay rate established for each employee. The default is established in the Pay Rate field on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub. DPS uses this rate to calculate an employee's regular pay for all projects to which the employee charges time. DPS also uses this rate, along with overtime percentages you establish, to calculate overtime pay.

  • Establish a schedule of pay rates using the Effective Date feature: To create a schedule of pay rates based on the project to which time is charged, or the date that time is posted, you use pay rate tables, such as the Labor Rate, Labor Category, or Labor Code Rate table. Each table can contain multiple entries for a single employee, category, or code, with different rates and different effective dates. Pay rate table entries are used to override the default rate set in the Employees hub. You can create pay rate tables to use enterprise-wide, on a per-project basis, or on a per-employee basis.

    If your enterprise decides to use pay rate tables to override default pay rates, there are several setup steps you must follow.

    The payroll rate entered on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub is the employee's default pay rate for all projects. If your enterprise decides to use pay rate tables to calculate an employee's pay, and DPS does not find an entry for an employee in a specified table, DPS refers to the rate set in the Employees hub.

Hourly Vs. Salaried Employees in Pay Rate Tables

For hourly employees, rates entered in a pay rate table are used to override the default rates for both regular and overtime pay. For salaried employees, entries in pay rate tables override only the calculation of overtime pay.