Expense Payments Tab of the Employee Review Form

Use the Expense Payments tab to view the details associated with your printed expense checks. When you select a payment number on this tab, you can also run the Employee Expense Check report for the payment that you selected.


Field Description
Year Select the year in which the expense check was posted. The default is the current year.
Date This field displays the check date or void date when the check was created or voided through Employee Expense Processing.
Payment Number This field displays the expense check number generated through Employee Expense Processing. Click this hyperlink to display the Employee Expense Check report, which shows all detail lines for the employee expense check. This is useful when the check's stub has an overflow line, indicating omission of the rest of the check's expense detail lines for lack of space.
Type This field displays the type of expense check processing run in which the check was generated, such as Regular, Advance or Repayment.
Amount This field displays the amount of the expense check.
Direct Deposit A check mark in this column indicates that at least a portion of the total check amount was processed via a direct deposit transaction.
Voided A check mark in this column indicates that the check was voided via the Void Check Processing application.