General Tab of the Payroll Processing Form

Use the General tab to set up options for processing payroll payments.


Field Description
Run Type

Select one of the following settings:

  • Regular: Select this setting to process regular, current period payroll for all or selected employees.
  • Adjustments: Select this setting to adjust gross pay, withholdings, regular hours, overtime pay hours, secondary overtime hours, and accrued benefit hours for selected employees. You can also use this type of payroll processing to correct your payroll database after over-paying or under-paying an employee, or to void a payment.
  • Bonus: Select this setting to process bonuses for selected employees. This type of payroll processing requires, at a minimum, entry of the gross bonus amount for each employee.
Process Type

Select one of the following settings:

  • Automatic: This setting allows you to process all salaried employees and all hourly employees with hours posted during the current payroll period, or within a date range you specify (if you enable the date range method of selecting timesheets for processing). You can only run an automatic payroll for a regular processing run. See the Auto Selections field descriptions for related information.
  • Manual Select: This setting allows you to select the employees that you want to process during this payroll processing run. You can run a manual payroll for a regular, adjustment, or bonus processing run.
Payroll Date This field displays the date on which the payroll period ended. This date is usually the same as the payment date, unless, for example, your payroll period ends on Friday and you run payroll the following Monday.
Payment Date

Specify the payment date. If DPS is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, the date you enter must meet that requirement.

This date appears as part of the heading on the Payroll Journal, on any checks generated in this processing run, and as the transaction date for any payroll transactions on the General Ledger, Account Analysis, or Cash Journal report.

Sort Payment By In this section, you can specify up to three sorts for payments processed in a given processing run. For example, you can sort by employee name or by organization level.
Create checks instead of direct deposit for this run

Select this option to create a printed check for each employee in the payroll run. Selecting this option will override any direct deposit set up for selected employees, for this run only.

For example, you may want to select this option to give employee's printed bonus checks, rather than direct deposits for bonuses.

W-2 Quarter If you are running an adjustments or bonus payroll, select the W-2 quarter in which to run payroll. You can select the current W-2 quarter or a previous quarter.
W-2 Year If you are running an adjustments or bonus payroll, select the W-2 year in which to run payroll. You can select the current W-2 year or a previous year.

Auto Selections

These fields are enabled if you select Automatic in the Process Type field. If you do not enter values in any of the Auto Selection fields, DPS processes all transactions included for this pay period. If you enter a value for more than one auto selection, DPS includes only those employees who meet all of the selection criteria.

Field Description
Payments to Include

This option allows you to control the payments (printed checks or direct deposits) that you include in the current payroll run. This allows you to use plain paper for direct deposit runs and avoid wasting check stock paper.

Options are:

  • All: Include all payments for the selected period in the run.
  • Printed Payments Only: Include all payments that have at least part of the total pay for any given employee set to be distributed via printed check. Be aware that the checks included in the run when this option is selected may have part of the total pay amount being direct deposited with the remaining amount being distributed via a printed check. When this option is selected, all transactions that result in negative checks are included in the run.
  • Direct Deposit Only: Include all payments that have the entire portion of any given employee's pay set to be distributed via direct deposit. This option is not available if the Create checks instead of direct deposit for this run option is selected.
Organization Enter the organization with which to associate the payroll run or select it from the Organization lookup.
Advanced Selections Use the lookup to select the employees to include in the payroll run.

Timesheet Period to Include

Use the start and end date fields to specify an exact range of dates as your pay period when running a regular payroll. DPS selects and includes only those posted timesheets that fall within the specified date range. You can also specify separate date ranges for regular hours and overtime hours in the current payroll run.

These field are visible only if your enterprise selected Enable data ranges for regular hours and overtime hours on the General tab of Settings > Payroll > General.

These fields are enabled only if you select Regular in the Run Type field.

Field Description

Specify the start and end date for the period in which regular payroll is to be calculated for this payroll run. All timesheets with hours posted within the date range specified are used to calculate payroll for hourly employees. Salaried employees are paid as appropriate based on the rate specified in the Employees hub.


Specify the start and end date for the period in which overtime payroll is to be calculated for this payroll run. All timesheets with overtime hours posted within the range specified are used to calculate overtime pay for hourly employees and salaried employees.

You may want to enter an overtime pay period range different from the regular pay period range if you pay overtime pay on a different schedule from regular pay. For example, you would do this if your enterprise has weekly regular payrolls, but monthly overtime payrolls.

To exclude overtime pay on a payroll run, leave both the start and end date overtime fields blank.