General Tab of the Payroll Direct Deposit Processing Form

Use the General tab to set the date on which payroll entries will be posted to employee accounts, to review other direct deposit data, and to specify routing information.


Field Description
Effective Entry Date Specify the date on which entries are to be posted to employee accounts. This field assumes no default value and must be specified prior to processing the file.
Run Type This field displays the type of payroll run: regular, adjustment, or bonus.
Seq This field displays the posting sequence number for the payroll processing run. This number is assigned to identify the posting run. These numbers are sequential, starting with zero at the beginning of a new accounting period.
Name This field displays the username of the user who created the posting run.
Posted This field displays the date the run was posted.
Payroll Date This field displays the date set in the Payroll Date field on the General tab of the Payroll Processing form when you processed the payroll run.
Payment Date This field displays the date set in the Payment Date field on the General tab of the Payroll Processing form when you processed the payroll run.
Post Comment This field displays a short comment that describes the result of the payroll run, such as "Processed 18 employees."

This columns displays the processing status of the payment run:

  • Processed: This setting means that the payment run's .txt file has been generated for the bank.
  • Unprocessed: This setting means that the payment run's .txt file has not been generated.
Exclude runs already processed Select this option before you click the Process grid option to avoid regenerating a payment run's .txt file. Multiple files for the same payment run could result in paying employees more than once.
Exclude carriage return at end of each record Select this option to eliminate the carriage return between each record, so the ACH output is one continuous stream of characters.
Add carriage return at end of file Select this option to add a carriage return at the end of the ACH file.
Process Select a payroll run from the Payroll runs this period grid, enter a date in the Effective Entry Date field, and click Process to open the Download Direct Deposit Files dialog box. If there are no direct deposit transactions in the selected run, a message displays indicating this.

Select a payroll run from the Payroll runs this period grid, and click this option to open the Direct Deposit report in the Preview window, where you can review, download, print, or e-mail the report.

The Direct Deposit report includes information such as the employee's Social Security number or name, and bank account information for each direct deposit transaction included in the selected payroll run.

You control whether or not Social Security numbers display on the direct deposit report with the Print Social Security number on journals and direct deposit reports/files option on the General tab of Settings > Accounting > Company.

Output File Name

Specify a filename for the direct deposit file, such as DIRDEP.TXT.

If you entered a bank code in the Payroll Setup form (Settings > Payroll > General tab), this field populates with the file name entered in the Payroll File Name field on the Bank Codes Setup form (Settings > Accounting > Banks.

Immediate Destination Number Enter the identification number of the bank to which the direct deposit file will be sent (the identification number of the bank associated with this bank code).
Immediate Destination Name Enter the name of the bank to which the direct deposit file will be sent (that is, the name of the bank associated with this bank code).
Immediate Origin Number Enter your company identification number as given to you by the bank associated with this bank code.
Immediate Origin Name Enter your company name.
File Format

Select the format for the ACH file that you send to the bank. Options are:

  • Credits Only: Select this option to generate a file containing only the credit entries (the individual employee entries) when you process direct deposits.
  • Credits and Debit: Select this option to generate a file containing the credit entries (the individual employee entries) and the debit entry to the company account for the total amount of the deposits. When you select this option, the Account Number and Account Type fields are enabled. Use these fields to enter the debit account information.
Company Name Enter the name of your company, as you want it to appear on statements.
Company ID Enter your IRS Employee Identification Number (EIN). Or, enter a number based on the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) or a user assigned value. If you enter a DUNS or user assigned number, you must change the qualifier in the Identification Code Designator (ICD) field on the Advanced Options tab, as appropriate.
Entry Description Enter a description or explain the purpose for the payroll direct deposit entry.
Routing Number Enter the routing transit number assigned to your company by the bank associated with this bank code. If this routing number has nine digits, enter the first eight digits, only. DPS calculates the ninth digit.
Account Number Enter the company bank account number from which payment for the total amount of the direct deposit will be made (the account number associated with this bank code). This field is enabled only when you select the Credits and Debit File Format option.
Account Type Select the account type, Checking or Savings, for the company account entered in the Account Number field. This field is enabled only when you select the Credits and Debit File Format option.