How DPS Determines an Employee's Pay Rate

The pay rate that is used for payroll processing for a particular employee depends on several settings, such as whether or not your enterprise has enabled pay rate tables, the payroll rate method established for a given project, the payroll rate method established for a given employee, and whether an employee is hourly or salaried.

For hourly employees, rates entered in a pay rate table are used to override the default rates for both regular and overtime pay. For salaried employees, however, entries in pay rate tables override only the calculation of overtime pay.

The following overview shows the logic that DPS uses to determine the employee pay rate during a payroll run.

  1. DPS checks whether or not you have configured, set up, and assigned a pay rate/category/code table to a project.
    • If you are not using pay rate tables (have not selected the Enable pay rate table option on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form), DPS retrieves the pay rate from the Pay Rate field on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub for each employee.
    • If you have configured the feature, DPS proceeds to the next check (step 2).
  2. For each project to which an employee charged time, DPS checks the pay rate method specified on the Time & Expense tab of the Projects hub.
    • If From Employee Pay Rate is selected in the Pay Rate Method field on the Time & Expense tab of the Projects hub form, DPS uses the pay rate specified for the employee in the Employees hub record.
    • If another pay rate method (From Labor Rate Table, From Labor Category Table, From Labor Code Table) is selected, DPS proceeds to the next check (step 3).
    • If no table is selected at any level of the project's work breakdown structure, DPS checks the Employees hub for a pay rate table (proceed to step 4).

    DPS starts by looking to the lowest level of the project's work breakdown structure and works up from there (task, phase, project), using the first pay rate table found.

  3. DPS determines if the employee is associated with the table selected from the Rate Table field on the Time & Expense tab of the Projects hub form. The employee may appear directly in the table, or be associated via a labor category or labor code.
    1. If the employee does appear in the table set in the Projects hub, DPS compares the transaction dates of the employee's posted time transactions to the effective dates in the payroll rate table. For each transaction, DPS uses the rate with an effective date on or after the transaction date. If no effective dates match the transaction dates, DPS uses the entry with a blank effective date. If no blank effective date entry exists for the employee, DPS uses the rate specified on the Payroll tab of the employee's Employees hub record.
    2. If the employee does not appear in the table specified in the Projects hub, DPS looks to the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub to see if a pay rate table is established there for the employee. (proceed to step 4).

      Each pay rate table can have one blank effective date entry per employee, category, or code. This is used as the default override pay rate, for project's using this pay rate table.

    3. DPS checks the pay rate method specified on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub.
      • If None is selected in the Pay Rate Method field on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees hub, DPS uses the pay rate entered on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub for the employee.
      • If another pay rate method (From Labor Rate Table, From Labor Category Table, From Labor Code Table) is selected, DPS compares the transaction dates of the employee's posted time transactions to the effective dates in the payroll rate table. For each transaction, DPS uses the rate with an effective date on or after the transaction date. If no effective dates match the transaction dates, DPS uses the entry with a blank effective date. If no blank effective date entry exists for the employee, DPS uses the rate specified on the Payroll tab of the employee's Employees hub record.

Each pay rate table can have one blank effective date entry per employee, category, or code. This is used as the default override pay rate, for project's using this pay rate table.