Override Calculated Payroll Contribution Amounts

During payroll processing, you can override any contribution amount automatically calculated. To do this, you override the contribution amounts on the Employee Review tab. You can override either a zero amount or a calculated amount.

To override calculated contribution amounts:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Human Resources > Payroll > Payroll Processing.
  2. On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select a payroll run and click Open, or click New to create a new payroll processing run.
  3. Click the Employee Review tab and select the employee records.
  4. If you are running a manual payroll run, click the Selected for this payroll processing run option.
  5. In the Current field on the Contributions grid, enter the modified amount for each contribution that you want to override. DPS enters a check mark in the Override field for the contribution.
  6. Click Save.