Payroll Payments Tab of the Employee Review Form

Use the Payroll Payments tab to view details for payroll payments for an employee.


Field Description
W-2 Year Select the W-2 Year in which the payroll payments were posted. The default is the current W-2 year.
Date This field displays the payment date when the payment was created through Payroll Processing.
Payment Number Click the link for the selected payment number to open the Payroll Journal Posting Log that lists the payroll-related information for the currently selected employee only. From log preview window, you can download, print, or email the log. (Typically this is the logged-in user, unless the logged-in user belongs to a role with the appropriate security rights to view pay-related information for other users).
Type This field displays the type of payroll run in which the payroll payment was generated, such as Regular, Adjustments or Bonus.
Net Pay This field displays the employee’s gross pay for the payroll period, minus the employee’s withholdings for the payroll period. This amount displays as a hyperlink. Click the link to open the Payroll Remittance Advice report to view more details about the payment. From the report preview window, you can download, print, or email the report. The report does not display for voided payments.
Direct Deposit A check mark in this column indicates that at least a portion of the total payment amount was processed via a direct deposit transaction.
Voided A check mark in this column indicates that the payroll payment was voided in Cash Management > Void Payments.
Total This field displays the total net pay for all payroll payments generated in the selected W-2 year.