Pay Rate Table Type

Three types of pay rate tables are available for use with Payroll.

Type Description
Labor Rate Tables Use pay labor rate tables to specify a schedule of pay rates to override the default pay rate established for an employee. Each override is assigned an effective date, on and after which the new rate is effective.
Labor Category Tables Use pay labor category rate tables to assign special labor pay rates based on the employee category, such as Principal, Project Manager, or Senior Consultant.
Labor Code Tables Use pay labor code rate tables to assign special labor pay rates based on the labor code.

Pay Labor Code tables let you capture multiple pay rates for the same person on the same job, working in the same time frame. You can also establish multiple pay rates for the same person by using effective dates. Enterprises often use Labor Code tables, especially when one employee shares multiple roles. For example, one employee may be both a Project Manager and a Principal on a particular project. In this case, you can set up a labor code table assigning different rates for the Project Manager and the Principal.