Undoing a Posted Payroll Run

You can undo a posted payroll run to return the payroll data, such as posted timesheet hours, to the status they were in before the run was posted.

You undo a payroll run in the Undo Posting utility (Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Undo Posting).

When you undo a payroll posting run, all data related to the run, such as timesheet entries, General Ledger entries, and individual employee withholdings, is restored to its state in the database prior to your posting the run.

DPS does not check to see if payroll checks have been cashed or if direct deposits have been processed before allowing you to undo a posted payroll run. Verify that checks have not been cashed and direct deposits have not been processed before undoing a payroll run.

In addition to undoing a posted payroll run, you can also undo void paychecks or direct deposits using the same Undo Posting routine.

If rather than undoing a posted payroll run you want to void any payments in a payroll run, you can do so in Void Payment Processing. Select the Payroll Payments option to list all of the processed paychecks and direct deposits that you can select to void. For payroll payments to be available for voiding on the Void Payment Processing form, you must belong to a role with security access to Include paychecks on register and bank reconciliation. This option is set on the Accounting tab of Settings > Security > Roles.

If you voided payroll payments before undoing a payroll posting run, when you run the Undo Posting routine for a payroll run, DPS prompts you with a message indicating the number of payments that were previously voided. You must run the Undo Posting utility for voided payments if you get this message. When you void a payroll payment, DPS returns associated timesheet hours to the database to be processed again.

DPS also returns timesheet hours for re-posting when you run the Undo Posting routine for posted payroll runs. If you first void payments, then undo the posted payroll run, DPS will store the timesheet hours twice, doubling an employee's posted timesheet hours.

To avoid doubling timesheet hours and having to run the Undo Posting routine for voided payments, do not void payments prior to running the Undo Posting routine for a payroll run. If you do have a situation where you have voided payments and then you run the Undo Posting routine for a posted payroll run, you can solve the problem of doubled timesheet hours by running the Undo Posting routine for voided payments.

If you have not run Direct Deposit Processing for a particular payroll run, and then you undo a posted payroll run, the Direct Deposit file for that run will not be deleted from Direct Deposit Processing, but the file will contain no data and cannot be processed. If you try to process the Direct Deposit file, DPS displays a message.