Ajera CRM - Budget and Revenue Tab of Projects Hub

Use the Budget & Revenue tab to review contract amounts, overhead multiplier, and reported percent complete from Ajera. This tab is available if you have Ajera CRM.


Field Description
Percent Complete The Ajera sync process populates this field with the RPC for the project entered on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center in Ajera.
Budgeted OH Rate The Ajera sync process populates this field with the Overhead rate entered for the department associated with the project or Company Preferences.
Compensation The Ajera Sync process populates this field with the Direct Labor + Direct Expense values.

If you are using a Billing Type of Fixed Fee, Percent Complete, Percent of Construction or Unit base, Ajera sync populates the compensation amount with the Labor Budget + the Expense Budget. The expense and consultant budget are only included if expenses are not billing as Time & Expense.

The sum of the amounts in the Compensation (Direct Labor plus Direct Expense), Direct Consultant, and Reimbursable Allowance (Reimbursable Expense plus Reimbursable Consultant) fields on this tab represent the total amount of fee that you expect to receive over the life of the project. The amount that you enter in each of these fields depends on your approach to project management.

Direct Labor The Ajera sync process populates this field with the Labor Budget amount from the Project Command Center. Enter a monetary amount that represents the total direct labor.
Direct Expense If the project is billing expenses as part of the fee, the Ajera sync process populates this field with the Expense Budget amount from the Project Command Center. If the project is billing expenses as Time & Expense, the monetary amount is zero.
Direct Consultant If the project is billing consultants as part of the fee, the Ajera sync process populates this field with the Consultant Budget amount from the Project Command Center. If the project is billing consultants as Time & Expense, the monetary amount is zero.
Reimbursable Allowance The Ajera sync process populates this field with:

Reimbursable Allowance = Reimbursable Consultant + Reimbursable Expense

Reimbursable Consultant If the project is billing consultants as Time & Expense, the Ajera sync process populates this field with the Consultant Budget amount from the Project Command Center.
Reimbursable Expense If the project is billing expenses as Time & Expense, the Ajera sync process populates this field with the Expense Budget amount from the Project Command Center.
Total The Ajera Sync process populates this field with the total contract from the Project Command Center.