Contents of the Create Project From Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to create a new project record from an existing project, project template, project plan, or opportunity.

Field Description
Copy From Use this drop-down list to select the type of record that you want to copy. The selection that you make determines the fields that display.
  • Copy From Existing Project displays the Project field.
  • Copy From Project Template displays the Template Project field.
  • Copy From Opportunity displays the Opportunity field.
  • Copy from Opportunity and Project Template displays the Opportunity field and the Template Project field.

Click Search in the Project, Template Project, or Opportunity field to open a lookup and select the existing record on which the new project will be based.

Copy Billing Terms Select this option to copy the billing terms for all phases and tasks from the existing project record to the new project record. This option is enabled only when you create a new project record from an existing project record.

Information from the Pre-Invoice tab in Billing Terms is not copied to the new project's billing terms.

If you track multiple currencies in DPS, DPS performs a currency discrepancy check when you change billing currencies.

Copy Plan Select the checkbox to copy the plan along with the project. If you choose to copy the plan, DPS displays the Plan Start field. The Copy Plan field is disabled if you are copying a project that does not have a plan.

If you do not copy the plan, DPS creates an empty plan for your new project using default settings, so you are able to enter planned labor hours, planned expense amounts, and consultant amounts.

Plan Start DPS displays this field only if you select Copy Plan. This field defaults to the plan start date of the plan being copied, but you can specify a new plan start date.
New Project Enter a unique project number for the new project.
Short Name This field displays the project's short name, based on the record that you selected to copy.
  • Project: When you select an existing project record, DPS enters the existing project's short name in the Short Name field.
  • Project Template: When you select a project template, DPS enters the project template's name in the Short Name field.
  • Opportunity: When you select an opportunity record, DPS enters the opportunity's name in the Short Name field.
  • Opportunity and Project Template: When you select an opportunity and a project template, DPS enters the project template's name in the Short Name field.

You can edit the project's short name. The short name is useful if the project's full name is too long to display fully on project reports and invoices.

Long Name This field displays the project's long name, based on the record that you selected to copy.
  • Project: When you select an existing project record, DPS enters the existing project's short name in the Long Name field.
  • Project Template: When you select a project template, DPS enters the project template's name in the Long Name field.
  • Opportunity: When you select an opportunity record, DPS enters the opportunity's name in the Long Name field.

You can edit the project's long name.

New Project Type Use this drop-down list to select the project 's charge type.
  • Regular: Regular projects are revenue producing. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense.
  • Overhead: Overhead projects are not revenue producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. The total cost of these projects is distributed to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Overhead projects zero out when you initialize for a new fiscal year.
  • Promotional: Promotional projects are identical to overhead projects. DPS does not zero out job-to-date costs when you initialize for a new fiscal year. Use the promotional charge type to track the costs associated with acquiring a new job. If you are awarded the job, you can create a new, regular project and transfer the detail so it can be tracked or billed as part of the project cost.

This field does not display when you use a project template to create a new project record.