Marketing Campaign Examples - Projects Hub

You can associate marketing records with project records.

Example One

If you open the project record for City Hall and add Municipal Design to the Marketing Campaigns grid:

  • Municipal Design and related information displays in the Marketing Campaigns grid on the Marketing Campaigns tab of City Hall's project record.

  • City Hall and related information displays on the Projects grid on the Projects tab of the Municipal Design Marketing Campaign record.

If you open the project record for City Hall and remove Municipal Design from the Marketing Campaigns grid:

  • Municipal Design and related information no longer displays in the Marketing Campaigns grid on the Marketing Campaigns tab of City Hall's project record.

  • City Hall and related information no longer displays on the Projects grid on the Projects tab of the Municipal Design's marketing campaign record.

Example Two

If you open the Marketing Campaign record for Municipal Design and add City Hall to the Projects grid:

  • City Hall and related information displays on the Projects grid on the Projects tab of the Municipal Design's Marketing Campaign record.

  • Municipal Design and related information displays in the Marketing Campaigns grid on the Marketing Campaigns tab of City Hall's project record.

If you open the Marketing Campaign record for Municipal Design and remove City Hall from the Projects grid:

  • City Hall and related information no longer displays on the Projects grid on the Projects tab of the Municipal Design's Marketing Campaign record.

  • Municipal Design and related marketing campaign information no longer displays in the Marketing Campaigns grid on the Marketing Campaigns tab of City Hall's project record.