Time and Expense Tab of Projects Hub

Use the Time and Expense tab to enter time, expense, and payroll accounting information for the project. This includes budget and labor code data, expense default billing data, purchasing multipliers, cross charge methods, pay/cost rate methods, and payroll tax locales.


Field Description
Budgeted Validation Use this drop-down list to select a budgeted labor code validation for the project. The Timesheet application uses this field to determine the labor codes that users are allowed to enter when they charge time to the project.

The possible settings are:

  • None: Timesheet entries are not checked against budgeted labor codes.
  • Warning: Timesheet entries are checked against budgeted labor codes. The employee receives a warning message if any non-budgeted labor codes have been entered on the timesheet. However, the employee can still save and submit the timesheet using the non-budgeted labor codes.
  • Error: Timesheet entries are checked against budgeted labor codes. The employee receives an error message if any non-budgeted labor codes have been entered on the timesheet. The employee will not be allowed to save or submit the timesheet using the non-budgeted labor codes.

If you use the Planning application, you can also use the Budgeted Validation options with the Check Project Planning for Start/Finish Date option on the same tab.

Budgeted Source Use this drop-down list to select a budgeted source for the project. The Timesheet application uses this field to determine the budget source to use when validating labor codes or levels entered on employees' timesheets. The options are Budget Worksheet or Project Planning.

This field is enabled when you select Warning or Error in the Budgeted Validation field.

Budgeted Level Use this drop-down list to select Employee Only to check timesheet entries against employees' planned hours for the project.

DPS enables this field when you select Warning or Error in the Budgeted Validation field and the Project Planning option in the Budgeted Source field.

Check Project Planning for Start/Finish Date Select this option if you want DPS to check the project plan when employees charge time to the project.

With this option selected, DPS checks the project plan to verify that the employee has planned hours for the timesheet period. If the employee does not have any planned hours for the period, DPS displays a warning or error message, as specified in the Budgeted Validation field on this tab.

The Budgeted Validation options are:

  • Warning: Timesheet entries are checked against planned hours. The employee receives a warning message if hours are entered in a timesheet period when no hours are budgeted for the same period in the corresponding project plan. However, the employee can still save and submit the timesheet.
  • Error: Timesheet entries are checked against planned hours. The employee receives an error message if hours are entered in a timesheet period when no hours are budgeted for the same period in the corresponding project plan. The employee will not be allowed to save or submit the timesheet.

This option displays if you use the Planning application, and if the following options are selected on this tab:

  • Warning or Error from the Budgeted Validation drop-down list.
  • Project Planning from the Budgeted Source drop-down list.
  • Employee Only or Both from the Budgeted Level drop-down list.
Check Project Planning for Planned Hours Select this option if you want DPS to verify that the hours an employee enters against a project do not exceed planned hours. If the hours entered exceed those available in the project plan, DPS displays either a warning or error message, as specified in the Budgeted Validation field on this tab.

The Budgeted Validation options are:

  • Warning: Select this option to check timesheet entries against planned hours. The employee receives a warning message if the hours entered exceed the number of hours budgeted for the user in the corresponding project plan. However, the employee can still save and submit the timesheet.
  • Error: Select this option to check timesheet entries against planned hours. The employee receives an error message if the hours entered exceed the number of hours budgeted for the user in the corresponding project plan. The employee is not allowed to save or submit the timesheet.

When you enable Check Project Planning for Planned Hours at the lowest WBS level, DPS checks timesheet charges against planned hours. If the Check Project Planning for Start/Finish Date option is not enabled, then the timesheet hours are checked against Job to Date plan remaining hours. If the Check Project Planning for Start/Finish Date option is enabled, then the timesheet hours are checked against current timesheet period planned hours. When you check against Job to Date plan remaining hours, any unposted timesheets are also included in the calculation.

This option displays if you use the Planning application, and if the following options are selected on this tab:

  • Warning or Error from the Budgeted Validation drop-down list.
  • Project Planning from the Budgeted Source drop-down list.
  • Employee Only or Both from the Budgeted Level drop-down list.
Timesheet Line Item Approval

Use the drop-down options in the Timesheet Line Item Approval field to override system-wide settings on a project-by-project basis.

The options are:

  • Yes: Select this option if timesheet line item approval is required for the project.
  • No: Select this option if timesheet line item approval is not required for the project.
Require Comments for Hours Use this option to control whether comments are required when an employee enters time for a project. This setting allows you to override at the project level the Require Comments setting on the Options tab of Settings > Time.

Options are:

  • Company: Select this option to honor the timesheet comments option selected in Time Settings.
  • Yes: Select this option to require the employee to enter comments for time charged to the project, regardless of how the option is set in Time Settings.
  • No: Select this option to not require the employee to enter comments for time charged to the project, regardless of how the option is set in Time Settings.

The project-level override for timesheet comments does not apply to special category projects. For special category projects, DPS honors the Require Comments setting on the Options tab of Settings > Time.

Bill by Default Use this drop-down list to specify whether or not certain expense charges to this project should be billed to the client.

This field is used by the Expense application to determine when to bill the client for certain expense charges posted to the project. The expense charges must be associated with a specific expense category, as defined on the Expense Categories tab of Settings > Expense.

The options are:

  • Yes: Select this option to always bill expense charges to the client, regardless of whether the Bill by default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings.
  • No: Select this option to never bill expense charges to the client, regardless of whether the Bill by default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings.
  • Category: Select this option to only bill charges to the client if the Bill by default option is selected for the associated category in Expense Settings. This is the default selection.

This field is enabled for regular projects only and must be selected at the lowest level of the project structure.

Billable Message Use this drop-down list to specify whether or not to display an error message in the Expense application when a user charges certain expense to this project. You can choose to display a message when a user enters an expense category on an expense report and there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project.

The Expense application uses this field only if you select Yes or No in the AP Bill by Default field on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub. If you select Category in the AP Bill by Default field, the Billable Message field defaults to None.

The options are:

  • No Message: DPS does not display any message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project.
  • Warning: DPS displays a warning message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project. You must explicitly choose to continue with the transaction to process the expense charge to the project using the selected category.
  • Error : DPS displays an error message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project. You cannot process the expense charge to the project using the selected category.

This field is enabled for regular projects only and must be selected at the lowest level of the project structure.

Expense Line Item Approval You can use this field as a reference when you create conditions for approval workflow steps. You create approval workflow steps in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows.

Selecting Yes or No for this option does not directly impact any expense line approval. This field is only used as an optional condition for an approval workflow step.