Contents of the Accounts Receivable Details Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to review supporting invoice detail for accounts receivable information displayed on the Project Review form.

Field Description

This field displays the invoice number. You can drill down on this number to see additional information about the invoice, including the Mod/Receipt number (either the reference number entered during Cash Receipt transaction entry or the receipt number, with the Rcpt prefix, or Credit Memo if the invoice had a credit memo generated against it).

Date This field displays the date that the invoice was entered in the Transaction Center or the invoice date from Interactive Billing.
Total This field displays the balance of the invoice(s).
Fees This field displays the fees billed for the project, phase, or task.
Reimb. This field displays the total amount of reimbursable expenses billed for the project, phase, or task.
Taxes This field displays the total amount billed for taxes.
Interest This field displays the amount of interest posted for past due invoice amounts.
Retainer This field displays the retainer amount.
Other This field displays any amount for an invoice or receipt file that was posted to an account other than the ones listed above.
Totals For the Total, Fees, and Reimb. columns, the dialog box provides totals for all transactions listed.