Agreement Tab of the Purchase Orders Form

Use the Agreement tab to specify excess receiving permissions for standard and service purchase orders and the time period and not-to-exceed amount for blanket and service purchase orders.


Receiving Section

This section applies for standard and service type purchase orders.

Field Description
Allow Excess Receiving Select this option if you want allow the receiver of purchase order goods or services to be able to accept items in quantities that are more than the quantities specified in the purchase order.
Excess Percentage

This field is enabled when you select the Allow Excess Receiving check box. This field is not enabled if you enter an amount in the Excess Amount field. You enter one or the other an excess percentage or an excess amount.

In this field, enter a percentage of the quantity of each purchase order line item that you will allow employees to receive over and above the quantity that is specified on the purchase order. If employees try to receive quantities above the specified percentage, DPS blocks them from recording a receipt. The receipt is marked as an overshipment.

Example: You have a purchase order with a line item entered for copier paper on the Line Items tab on the Purchase Order form. You enter 10 in the Qty field for the copier paper. 20 is entered in the Excess Percentage field. Employees can receive up to 12 cartons (1.2 x 10) of copier paper for this line item. If they try to receive 13 or more cartons, DPS marks the receipt as an overshipment. You can not record receipt of the shipment.

Excess Amount

This field is enabled when you select the Allow Excess Receiving check box. This field is not enabled if you enter an amount in the Excess Percentage field. You enter one or the other, an excess percentage or an excess amount.

In this field, enter a percentage of the monetary amount of each purchase order line item that you will allow employees to receive over and above the amount that is specified on the purchase order. If employees try to receive quantities above the specified amount, DPS blocks them from recording a receipt. The receipt is marked as an overshipment.

Blanket Order Section or Service Order Section

This section displays only for blanket or service purchase orders. The title of the section changes to match the type of purchase order that you have open on the screen.

Field Description
Period From Enter the start date for which a blanket or service agreement applies.
Period To Enter the end date for which a blanket or service agreement applies.
Not To Exceed Enter the maximum monetary amount of cost for the item that is approved to be purchased under the blanket or service agreement.