Create a Change Order
After a purchase order is approved and final printed, you must use a change order if you need to modify it. You can also enter a change order as a way to cancel a blanket purchase order.
To create a change order:
- On the Navigation menu, click .
- On the Purchase Order form, use the Search field to open the purchase order to change.
- On the General tab, check the Status to ensure that it is Printed.
- On the Purchase Orders form toolbar, click .
- In response to the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
On the Change Order dialog box, select a reason for the change order and click
On the General tab of the purchase order,
DPS adds a row to the Change/Cancel Orders grid for the change order:
- The Status field in the grid prefills with In Progress for the change order. In the Status field for the purchase order itself (in the Purchase Order Information section on the General tab), Printed is replaced with Changed.
- The Date field prefills with today's date. This is the date for the change order, which you can change.
- The C/O Number field displays an auto-assigned number after you save the change order.
In the change order row in the Change/Cancel Orders grid on the General tab:
- For blanket and service purchase orders: Use the Not to Exceed Change Amount and Revised Period To Date fields to enter changes to the not-to-exceed amount and the end date of the agreement. These fields display only if the Modify Not to Exceed Values via Change Order check box is selected on the General tab in Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings. These fields do not display for standard purchase orders.
- To use a change order to cancel a blanket purchase order: In the Not to Exceed Change Amount field enter an amount that, when added to the original not-to exceed amount (entered on the Agreement tab of the Purchase Order form), will equal zero. You can also enter the date that you cancel the blanket purchase order in the Revised Period To Date in the Change/Cancel Orders grid.
For standard and service purchase orders that include line items with
Equipment or Capital items: On the Line Items tab, select the line with the item that you want to modify and click
Delete. This does not delete the line item but instead creates a reversing entry for the item. Modify its information directly in the Line Items grid columns. Any changes that you make to reversed line items are applied to the existing equipment item record in the Equipment hub.
- Click Save.
Submit to do either of the following:
- Send the change order to an approver if you use approval workflows for approving purchase orders and change orders. (You turn on the use of approval workflows for them in .)
- Change the change order's status from In Progress to Approved, if you do not use approval workflows.