General Tab of Purchase Order Line Detail Dialog Box

Use the General tab to enter or edit data for the row that is selected on the Line Items grid on the Line Items tab of Purchase Orders.


Field Description

This field displays the item number of the item that is selected now on the purchase order's Line Items grid.

If you specify an item that is not in the Items Master table, and the Auto Add/Items option is selected on the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company Settings), a notice asks if you want to add the item to the Items Master table. Click Yes to display the New Item dialog box and enter data for the new item.

Receiving Status This field displays the item's receiving status.
Description This field displays the item's description.
Vendor's Number This field displays the vendor number specified for the item on the Vendor tab of the Items Master form in Setttings > Purchasing & Inventory > Items Master.
Category This field displays the item's category description.
Quantity This field displays the item's quantity.
U/M This field displays the item's unit of measure.
Unit Price This field displays the item's price, using the unit of measure specified in U/M.
Net Amount This field displays the item's Net Amount.
Shipping Amount This field displays when the Inventory application is enabled. It is active when the item is an inventory item.

Enter the item's shipping cost. This data is used to recalculate the item's average actual cost.

Tax Amount This field displays when the Inventory application is enabled. It is active when the item is an inventory item.

Enter the item's tax amount. This data is used to recalculate the item's average actual cost.

Due Date This field displays the item's due date. You can specify a different date.
Requester This field displays the name of the purchase order's requester. If the purchase order is created from a requisition or request for price quote, this field displays the data from the Requested By field on the requisition's or request's General tab.

You can select a different employee name from the Employee lookup.

Requisition/RFQ # If the purchase order was created from a requisition or request for price quote, this field displays the number from the requisition or request's General tab. You can select a different requisition or request for price quote number.
Inventory Item This check box is selected if the item is an inventory item.