Purchasing and Inventory and Alerts

Use alerts to notify people of the required actions that they must take or the actions already taken that are related to purchasing or inventory records.

When You Use Approval Workflows

When you use approval workflows to approve Purchasing and Inventory records, you choose the alerts to be sent at various times during the approval process. For example, you can send alerts to notify people when records are ready for them to approve, when records are rejected, when records are approved, and so on. You select and configure alerts for each step of an approval workflow on the Workflow tab in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows.

In addition, you can create alerts to notify people when a purchase order has been final printed and when goods are received. You configure these alerts in Settings > General > Company Alerts.

When You Do Not Use Approval Workflows

When you do not use approval workflows to approve Purchasing and Inventory records, you can create and configure alerts in Settings > General > Company Alerts. For example, you can send alerts to notify buyers when a purchase order, requisition, or request for price quote that he or she requested has been submitted (and thus approved) or rejected.