Inventory Tab of Purchasing and Inventory System Settings Form

Use the Inventory tab to enter system-wide settings and codes used by the Inventory application. On this tab, you define the calculations to use for changing a unit of measure between Purchasing and Inventory. You can also specify reason codes for quantity and cost adjustments.

This tab displays if the Enable Inventory option is selected on the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing and Inventory > Company.

Global U/M Conversion Grid

Your firm may order items in quantities that are shown in a bulk unit of measure, used in Purchasing, and keep the items in inventory in quantities that are shown in a smaller unit of measure, used in Inventory. Use the Global U/M Conversion grid to define each calculation that the enterprise uses to change an item's unit of measure between the Purchasing unit of measure and the Inventory unit of measure. If you purchase an item, place it in a company's inventory, and the calculation is not specified on the Inventory tab of Settings > Purchasing and Inventory > Items Master, DPS uses the calculation that you specify here, on the Global U/M Conversion grid.

Field Description
Purchasing U/M Select the purchasing unit of measure from the list, which shows all of the units of measure that are defined on the U/M Tab.
Conversion Factor

Enter the ratio of the Purchasing unit of measure to its Inventory unit of measure.

For example, pencils are purchased in boxes of 24 and sold individually. The Purchasing unit of measure is divided by 24 to get the Inventory unit of measure, so the conversion factor is 24.

Inventory U/M Select the inventory unit of measure from the list. This list shows all of the units of measure that are defined on the U/M Tab.
Insert Click this option to enter a new row into the grid.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option.

Quantity Adjustment Reasons Grid

Use the Quantity Adjustment Reasons grid to define reason codes that you use to explain why you need to adjust the quantity of an item in inventory, in Inventory > Transactions > Quantity Adjustments.

Field Description
Code Enter a descriptive identifier for the reason code, which displays in drop-down lists.
Description Enter the reason for the quantity adjustment. This phrase displays in purchasing records when users select the code.
Insert Click this option to add a row to the grid.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option to add a copy of the row to the grid.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option.

Cost Adjustment Reasons Grid

Use the Cost Adjustment Reasons grid to define reason codes that you use to explain why you need to adjust an item's average actual cost, in Inventory > Transactions > Cost Adjustments. DPS maintains an inventory item's average actual cost and calculates it each time that an inventory item's quantity on hand or cost amount changes because of an inventory transaction posting.

Field Description
Code Enter a descriptive identifier for the reason code, which will display in drop-down lists.
Description Enter the reason for the cost adjustment. This phrase displays in the purchasing record when users select the code.
Insert Click this option to add a row to the grid.
Copy Click the row to copy, then click this option to add a copy of the row to the grid.
Delete Click the row to delete, then click this option.