Vendors Tab of the Items Master Form or Dialog Box

Use the Vendors tab of the Items Master form to enter a list of vendors who sell inventory and non-inventory items, with historical data for items that the vendors sell.

If you have multiple companies, the vendor records that are available for use by a company must match the vendor records with these settings on the Vendor tab in the Firms hub:

  • The Approved for use in processing for company xx option is selected and the fields on the Accounting Tab are completed.

  • The vendor type is available to the company. Accounts are assigned to a company, and the vendor types related to those accounts are the only vendor types that are available to a company. The Vendor Type drop-down list on the vendor's Accounting tab displays the vendor types that are available to the company.

The Currency Code, Last Price, Last Price Date, and Total Qty to Date display for the active company only.

If you are entering a purchasing item on the fly from the Equipment hub, this tab and the Items Master screen are displayed in a dialog box. You cannot enter inventory items from the dialog box.

Vendors Grid

Use the grid to enter vendors for the purchasing or inventory item.

Vendors Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Vendors drop-down

Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:

  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Refresh Click this option to display or recalculate Last Price, Last Price Date, Total Qty to Date, and Total Amount to Date.
Insert Click this option to add a row to the grid and enter a vendor.
Delete Click the vendor row to delete and then click this option. You cannot delete a vendor if you have "final printed" any of the vendor's purchase orders for the item.

Vendors Grid Fields

Field Description
Vendor Click and select the vendor from a list of the active vendors who are available to Accounting users.
Primary Vendor

If the Vendor is shown as the item's Primary Vendor on the General tab, this check box is selected.

If this check box is not selected, you can select it to make the vendor on this row the item's Primary Vendor.

Vendor's Item Number Enter the vendor's item number for the item shown on the General tab. DPS uses this number when it creates the item's requests for price quote, and prints it on the item's purchase orders, for the active company. The item number cannot exceed thirty (30) characters.
Purchasing U/M This field displays the item's unit of measure as specified in the purchase order.
Currency Code If you use multiple currencies, the currency code for the functional currency of the active company shows here.
Last Price

This field shows the last price at which the item was purchased. DPS recalculates this price each time that you final-print a purchase order that includes the item.

If you use multiple currencies, this amount is shown and kept in the transaction currency of the last purchase order.

Last Price Date This field shows the most recent date when the item's price changed. DPS recalculates this date each time that you final-print a purchase order that includes the item.
Total Qty To Date This field shows the total quantity of this item that has been purchased to date. DPS recalculates this quantity each time that you final-print a purchase order that includes the item. If you cancel a purchase order, DPS subtracts the cancelled quantity from this number.
Total Amount To Date

This field shows the total amount spent to date on this item. DPS recalculates this spent amount each time that you final-print a purchase order that includes the item. If you cancel a purchase order, DPS subtracts the cancelled amount from this number.

If you use multiple currencies, this amount is shown and kept in the functional currency of the active company.