Create an Intuit Developer Account
To connect DPS with QuickBooks Online, you must first create an Intuit developer account.
- You must have QuickBooks Online installed and implemented.
- You must use an email address or user ID known to your QuickBooks Online production database.
To create an Intuit developer account:
- Go to the Intuit developer website
- On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click Sign Up.
- On the Create Your Account dialog box, complete the information and click Create Account.
In the next screen that lets you know that your account was successfully created, enter the following:
- Your location, such as United States.
- Your role: Select Developer / Designer.
- Your development platform: Select QuickBooks Online.
- Click All Set. You are returned to the main page of the Intuit Developer website.
The next step: From the main page of the Intuit Developer site,
create an Intuit App for