Cash Requirements Bank Summary

The Cash Requirements Bank Summary displays the balance for each bank code, the total amount of scheduled payments for vouchers posted to the bank code, and the projected balance after the payments are made.

The companion report, the Cash Requirements report, displays cash requirements by voucher and vendor.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, you enter general vendor information, including vendor names and addresses, at the enterprise level, and all companies share that information. However, you enter accounting information for each vendor on a company-by-company basis, in the Firms hub.

This report only displays information for vendors with Approved for use in processing selected on the Vendor tab of the Firms form. The report includes vouchers that were posted from the active company.

Printing Options

You can also generate vendor reports from Payment Processing (Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.