CRM Project Summary Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the CRM Project Summary report and to save sets of options for reuse. The tabs that are available vary from report to report. However, the Options tab provides a set of standard buttons, user-defined field section to customize your report, and other formats that are found on all CRM Summary reports.


Reporting Amounts

This section provides currency and exchange rate information about a project.

Field Description
Report in

Select the currency to use for amounts:

  • Project Currency: The currency specified in Custom Currency on the Overview tab of the Projects hub.
  • Presentation Currency: The currency that you select for the Presentation Currency option. When you select this option, you can then select both currency and date options.
Presentation Currency If you selected Presentation Currency in Report in, select the three-character ISO code for the currency. The list includes only the currencies that are enabled for your enterprise. All amounts on the report are presented in this currency. DPS calculates the exchanges between the project currency and the presentation currency based on the date that you specify in Exchange Rate as of.
Exchange Rate as of If you selected Presentation Currency in Report in, specify the date that DPS should use to calculate exchanges between the presentation currency that you select and the project currency. DPS determines the correct exchange rates in the daily exchange rate table based on this date.

Standard Section

The standard section provides options for displaying various types of project information on the report. By default, DPS includes all of the following sections on the report:
  • General Information
  • Team
  • Firms
  • Contacts
  • Descriptions
  • Activities
  • Dates and Costs
  • Project Codes
  • Awards
  • Marketing Campaigns
To exclude one or more types of employee information on a report, slide the toggle to the left from the the (On position) to the (Off position) .

User Defined Section

Use the user defined section to customize your summary reports. You can create and structure information as you would like presented on the report. The grid shows all the user defined sections and fields that are shown on the report.

Field Description
Sections This column lists the user defined sections available for inclusion on your report.
Fields This column lists the user defined section fields that are currently selected for inclusion on your report.
+ New Section Click this link to display the Create Section dialog box to add and configure a new user defined section to the grid.


Use this section of the Options tab to add an indent and a page break between the sections of a report.

Field Description
Indent First Column Use this control to indent the first column of the report. You can enter a number in the field between 0.1 and XX. To change it, use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the indent by decimal increments.
Page Break Between Sections To begin each section on a new page, slide the toggle to the right from the (Off position) to the (On position).